


2009 (Finland)

I. “If, then, there is some end of the things we do, which we desire for its own sake (everything else being desired for the sake of this), and if we do not choose everything for the sake of something else (for at that rate the process would go on to infinity, so that our desire would be empty and vain), clearly this must be the good and the chief good.”

(Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics)

I.“那么,如果我们所做的事有某种目的,而我们只为了这目的本身而期望达到这个目的(我们所期望的所有其他都是为了这个目的);如果我们选择一样东西,我们的选择是为了这个东西本身,而不是其他别的什么(如果是为了其他别的什么,那么,这个过程就会无限延续,我们欲望就会变得空虚、无结果),显然,这肯 定是善,最高的善。”(亚里士多德,《尼各马可伦理学》)

II. In accordance with reason there is only one way that states in relation with one another can leave the lawless condition, which involves nothing but war; it is that, like individual human beings, they give up their savage (lawless) freedom, accommodate themselves to public coercive laws, and so form an (always growing) state of nations (civitas gentium) that would finaly encompass all the nations of the earth.

(Immanuel Kant, Toward Perpetual Peace)

II.“依照理性,只有一种办法能使相互关联的城邦出离这种无法无天的状态,这种状态只会导致战争;这办法就是:像人类个体一样,这些城邦放弃他们野蛮未开化(无法无天)的自由,使它们自己适应于大家共同遵守的、强制性的律法;由此形成一种(总在增长的)诸多国家共存的状态,这种状态最终将会囊括世界上所 有的国家。”(康德,《永久和平论》)

III. Must a work of art be beautiful in order to be a work of art, or many a work of art be ugly as well? If the later is possible, why should we take interest in it?


IV. It is not just the existence of God, but rather the very coherence of the idea of God, that is problematic.




在民主体制中,人们似乎可以为所欲为 -- 这是真的;但政治自由根本不在于为所欲为。(孟德斯鸠,《论法的精神》)



2007 (Turkey)

It follows, plainly, from the explanation given above, of the foundation of state, the ultimate aim of government is not to rule, or restrain, by fear, nor to exact obedience, but contrariwise, to free every man from fear, that he may live in all possible security; in other words, the strengthen his natural right to exist and work, without injury to himself and others.

Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise, chapter XX


There are two things, that fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe… – the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.

Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Conclusion

有两样东西使我脑中充满了永远簇新的、不断增强的仰慕和敬畏... -- 我头顶的星空和我心中的道德律法。(康德,《实践理性批判》)

Topic 3.

Space is not in the subject , nor is the world in space.

Martin Heidegger, Being and Time


Topic 4.

And for this reason justice is regarded as the highest of all virtues,… and as the proverb has it, “In justice every virtue is summed up.” It is complete virtue and excellence in the fullest sense, because it is the practise of complete virtue. It is complete because he who possesses it can make use of his virtue not only by himself but also in his relations with his fellow men.

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics


2006 (Italy)

For a large classes of cases – though not for all – in which we employ the word “meaning” it can be defined thus: the meaning of a word is its use in the language.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

在很多情况下 -- 虽然不是在所有情况下 -- 我们所使用的“意义”一词可以这样定义:一个词的意义是它在语言中的用法。(维特根斯坦) 

To know a thing we must love it, and to love a thing we must know it.

Kitaro Nishida



简而言之,人的行为从来不是自由的;它们总是他的脾性所导致的必然结果、他所接受的观点导致的必然结果;也是那些或真或伪的概念导致的必然结果 -- 他依仗这些概念来理解快乐;也是他所持有的意见导致的必然结果,这些意见被榜样、教育、日常经验所强化。(霍尔巴赫)

2005 (Poland)

If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope l should have the guts to betray my country.



Today, the truth is dispersed across many universes of discourse which can no longer be arranged in a hierarchy. However, in each of these discourses, we search tenaciously for insights that can convince all.”

Jürgen Habermas


Hedonism, pessimism, utilitarism, eudemonism – all these systems that measure the value of things taking into account the pleasure or pain that go along with them, that is to say, according to any non-core condition or facts, arę seen as if they do not go in depth and being naive. Any man with his constructive faculty in place and a conscience of an artist, can only regard this with irony and pity from a distance.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

享乐主义、悲观主义、实用主义、快乐说 -- 在估量事物价值的时候,这些体系都考虑到伴随这些事物而来的快感或痛感,那就是说,这些体系所依照的是所有那些非核心的条件或事实,[由此]它们被看做不够深刻、天真幼稚。任何具有建设性的心智情感的人,任何具有艺术家良知的人,都只能带着反讽和悲悯,在一定 距离之外来看这种现象。(尼采)

Language is a labyrinth of paths. You approach from one side and know your way about; you approach the same place from another side and no longer know your way about’.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein


2004 (South Korea)

The decisive argument which is employed by common sense against freedom consists in reminding us of our impotence. Far from being able to modify our situation at our whim, we seem to be unable to change ourselves. I am not “free” either to escape the lot of my class, of my nation, of my family, or even to build up my own power or my fortune or to conquer my most insignificant appetites or habits.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness

常识所用来反对自由的一个重要观点在于它提醒我们一无所能。我们做不到随心所欲地改变我们的境况;正相反,我们似乎连我们自己都没有能力改变。我不是自由 的 -- 连逃脱我的阶级、国家、家庭对我的命定,我都不是自由的;积攒我自己的力量或运道,我也不是自由的;克服最微不足道的口腹之欲或习惯,我也不是 自由的。(萨特,《存在与虚无》)

The will to truth requires critique – let us define our task in this way – the value of truth must for once, by way of experiment, be called into question …

Friedrich Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morals, 3-24

必须批判地反思对真理的希求 -- 让我们这样来定义我们所要做的:这一次,真理的价值必须经由实验而受到质疑...(尼采,《论道德的谱系》)

In fact, history does not belong to us, but we belong to history.

Hans-Georg Gadamer: Truth and Method, 1989事实上,历史不属于我们,而是我们属于历史。(汉斯-格奥尔格·伽达默尔,《真理与方法》)

Does science need philosophy?


2003 (Argentina)

The laws of conscience, which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from custom.

Michel de Montaigne, Essais, 1595, chapitreXXII


The maxims of the philosophers on the conditions under which public peace is possible shall be consulted by states which are armed for war.

(I. Kant, Perpetual Peace)


The existence of this inclination to aggression, which we can detect in our selves and justly assume to be present in others, is the factor which disturbs our relations with our neighbour and which forces civilisation into such a high expenditure of energy. In consequence of this primary mutual hostility of human beings, civilised society is perpetually threatened with disintegration.

Freud, Civilisation and its Discontents

我们能在自己身上察觉到这种进攻性,我们有充分理由假定其他人[也]有这种进攻性;这种进攻性影响我们与邻居的关系,使人类文明别无选择,而必须付出如此 高昂的能量消耗。这种与生俱来的、人与人之间的相互敌视使文明社会无时不处在解体的威胁下。(佛洛依德,《文明及其缺憾》)

2002 (Japan)

So you would have us qualify our former notion of the just man by an addition. We then said it was just to do good to a friend and evil to an enemy, but now we are to add that it is just to benefit the friend if he is good and harm the enemy if he is bad?

Plato, Republic

那么,你想要我们对我们先前对公正的人所下的定义加一个补充。我们先前说,对朋友行善举,对敌人行恶事,这样是公正的;可是现在,我们要加上说:如果朋友是好人,对他行善举是公正的,如果敌人是坏人,对他行恶事是公正的? (柏拉图,《理想国》)

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana 1863-1952, The Life of Reason, ch.12


But to be able to say that a point is black or white, I must first know under what conditions a point is called white or black; in order to be able to say: “p” is true (or false), I must have determined under what conditions I call “p” true, and thereby determine the sense of the proposition.

L. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico Philosphicus


It is another paradox, but God as the true absolute must be Satan too. Only then can God be said to be truly omniscient and omnipotent. [¡¦] The absolute God must include absolute negation within himself, and must be the God who descends into ultimate evil.

Nishida Kitaro,1870-1945, Last Writing – Nothingness and the Religious Worldview


2001 (USA)

The laws of conscience, which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from custom [¡¦].

Michel de Montaigne: Essais. 1595, chapter XXII


If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

K.R.Popper: The Open Society and its Enemies. Vol.I. Routledge, London 1945, p. 265


I just had to consult myself about what I want to do, everything I feel to be good is good, everything I feel to be bad is bad¡



Hereby it is manifest, that during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition, which is called war; and such a war as is of every man, against every man.

Hobbes, Leviathan, Ch. XIII


2000 (Germany)

Time is not something which exists of itself [...]. Time is, therefore, a purely subjective condition of (human) intuition [...] and in itself, apart from the subject, it is nothing.

Immanuel Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, B 49 A33 / B 51 A35

时间不是某种自足自主存在的东西[...]。因此,时间是一种属于(人类)直觉的、纯粹主观的状态 [...];离开了主体,时间什么都不是。(康德,《纯粹理性批判》)

The passing from the state of nature to civil society produces a remarkable change in man; it puts justice as a rule of conduct in the place of instinct, and gives his actions the moral quality they previously


Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract


A process which led from the amoeba to man appeared to the philosophers to be obviously a progress – though whether the amoeba would agree with this opinion is not known.

Bertrand Russell

从单细胞变形虫到人类这样一个过程,在哲学家眼中显然是一种进步 -- 虽然我们无法获知单细胞变形虫是否会同意这种看法。(罗素)

All men naturally desire knowledge.

Aristotle, The Metaphysics, Book I. 980a


1999 (Hungary)

It is impossible to conceive anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except a good will.

Immanuel Kant


Desire is the essence of the human being.

Benedictus Spinoza


What we call ‘laws’ are hypotheses or conjectures which always form a part of some larger system of theories and which, therefore, can never be tested in isolation.

Karl R. Popper


Is knowledge power?


1998 (Romania)

Tatsachlich haben wir zwei Arten von Moral nebeneinander: eine, die wir predigen, aber nicht praktizieren, und eine andere, die wir praktizieren, aber selten predigen.

B. Russell

Wir sehen die Welt so, wie wir sie sehen wollen.


Der Mensch wird durch die anderen geschaffen.


Ubrigens ist mir alles verhaert, was mich bloss belehrt, ohne meine Tatigkeit zu vermehren oder unmittelbar zu beleben.


1997 (Poland)

1.s philosophy a science?


2. Der Kunstler laernt uns durch sein Auge in die Welt blicken.


3. Justice without force is powerless, force without justice is tyrannical.



4. The idea that one should seek the truth for its own sake doesn’t make sense to us pragmatists. We cannot regard the truth as the aim of an investigation. The aim of an investigation is rather to come to an agreement between people about what to do and about the intended ends as well as the means, which we can realize these ends with. [...] All the descriptions we can give of things are descriptions which conform with our ends. [...] All we have to know is whether there are competing descriptions which are more useful to our purposes.

Richard Rorty: Relativism: To discover and to invent. In: Information Philosophie 1/1997, p. 14-16

为真理本身而寻求真理,这样的观点在我们实用主义者看来难以理解。我们研究一件事,其目的不能被看做是为了发现真理。相反,其目的是为了人们能达成一致 -- 关于该做什么,想要达到什么结果,以及藉什么手段达到这些结果。[...]我们能对事物作出的描述都是与我们的目的性相一致的。[...]我们 所必须知晓的只是是否存在与这种描述相抵牾的、对实现我们的目的更有用的描述。(理查德·罗蒂,《相对主义:发现与发明》)

1996 (Turkey)

Nothing is true, everything is permitted…



The evil in the world originates always from ignorance, and good will may cause as much damage as malice, if it is not enlightened.



The limits of your language are the limits of your world.



So act that you treat humanity in your person, as well as in the person of every other human being, also as a goal, never as a means.



1995 (Bulgaria)

Everyone is someone else and no one is himself.

M. Heidegger


Actually it is impossible for us to consider ourselves non-existent.

M. Unamuno


Should we start from the premise that one is totally forbidden to do injustice, or should we consider that under some circumstances that is permitted?


我们是否应该立足于这样一个前提: 无论在何种情形下,一个人都不允许做不公正的事;或者,我们是否应该认为不公正的事在某些情形下是被允许的?(柏拉图)

To be a philosopher means to travel all the time; questions in philosophy are more essential than answers.

K. Jaspers


1994 (Bulgaria)

Der Mensch ist fur den Menschen ein “Gott”.


Wo ist die Zeit geblieben? Bin ich nicht in einen tiefen Brunnen gefallen? Die Welt schlaft.


Wenn Beine und Arme einen eigenen Willen hatten, waren sie nicht (in der Lage der) Glieder geblieben.


1993 (Bulgaria)

Home is far more a state of mind than landscape.

G. Bachelard


Children are antiquities.

G. Bachelard


Everything we see could be otherwise.



Without “now” there wouldn’t be time and without time there wouldn’t be “now”.


