绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】20/21—阅读打卡 Diary of Fly

15024 李秋颖


今天孩子看了《Diary of Fly》和《The Mixed-up Chameleon》,我们两个人都沉浸在开心中,因为实在是太有趣了。孩子一开始对全部是英文书是有意见的,说自己没兴趣。但是后面在地铁上翻开看Diary of Fly 的时候,他是相当惊喜的,有些部分比蚯蚓的日记更精彩,里面还出现了蚯蚓日记里面spider & worm,有种老朋友再见的感觉,还有看到Fly’s mom告诉Fly下次照相的时候要看一个地方,我们还不由得感叹一下苍蝇的能力如此之强.


Fly eats regurgitated food.

They are the most accomplished fliers on the planet. Average speed is 4.5 mph. Leap backward when taking off.

They have five senses. Guess what?

Grow up: egg-maggot-fly

They can change directions in flight faster than the blind of a human eye.

They have 4000 lenses in each eye.

They can see in all directions at once.

你可能感兴趣的:(绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】20/21—阅读打卡 Diary of Fly)