


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Citrix SmartAuditor Broker
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 11/4/2009
Time: 6:52:51 PM
User: N/A
Exception caught while loading SmartAuditor Policy Console configuration file.


Event Type: Warning

Event Source: Citrix SmartAuditor Storage Manager

Event Category: None

Event ID: 0

Date: 11/4/2009

Time: 6:35:32 PM

User: N/A



Exception caught while establishing database connection.


The computer account for the Citrix SmartAuditor server must be created in the Citrix SmartAuditor Database.

1.Go to the Microsoft SQL Server and launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2.Under Object Explorer in the console, go to Databases\CitrixSmartAuditor\Schemas right-click and select New Schema.
3. In the Schema name: field enter the computer name of the Citrix SmartAuditor Server in this format Domain\Machine-Name$. For example, if the domain is Citrix and the hostname of the Citrix SmartAuditor server is SMARTAUDITOR01, then the entry should be: CITRIX\SMARTAUDITOR01$. Note that this entry is not case-sensitive.
4. Leave the entry for Schema Owner field blank. This will be taken care of later when the user account is created. Click OK to continue.
5. Back in the SQL Server Management Studio console, under Object Explorer, go to Databases\CitrixSmartAuditor\Users right-click and select New User.
6. The Database User – New dialog opens. Enter the computer account name (in the same format as used to create the Schema in step 3) for the User name, for the Login name, and for the Default Schema.
7. Under Owned Schemas, click on the check-box for the schema created for this computer account.
8. Under Role Members, click on the db_owner role.
The picture below shows the result of steps 6 through 8.


9. Click OK to continue.
10. Go back to the Citrix SmartAuditor Server and restart the Citrix SmartAuditor Storage Manager Service.
11. Test by opening the Citrix SmartAuditor Policy Console and by launching ICA sessions that are known to fit the criteria set in the Citrix SmartAuditor Policy Console for a recorded session.

