iOS 10.3 keychain 功能可能出现重大更改--需亲测

iOS 10.3 还未正式发布,beta 版中一个关于keychain 特性的小修改,就已经引起了广泛的关注。
如果 App 被删除,之前存储于 keychain 中的数据也会一同被清除。
如果使用了 keychain group,只要当 group 所有相关的 App 被删除时,keychain 中的数据才会被删除。
  这一改动,虽未经官方公布。但已在论坛帖子里得到了 Apple 员工的确认,原文如下:

This is an intentional change in iOS 10.3 to protect user privacy. Information that can identify a user should not be left on the device after the app that created it has been removed.
It has never been a part of the API contract that keychain items created by an app would survive when the app is removed. This has always been an implementation detail.
If a keychain item is shared with other apps, it won’t be deleted until those other apps have been deleted as well.


其实我也觉得 app 都删了 keychain 还在是挺不合理的一件事儿。在隐私保护上还是可以看得出 Apple 还是一直在作为。



你可能感兴趣的:(iOS 10.3 keychain 功能可能出现重大更改--需亲测)