MediaCodec 是Android 提供的编解码库,MediaCodec 可以访问底层的媒体编解码器框架(StageFright 或者 OpenOMX),就是编解码组件,它与MediaExtractor、MediaMuxer、Surface、MediaSync、MediaCrypto、MediaDrm、Image、AudioTrack 一起构成Android 多媒体模块开发者相关的基本工具,MediaCodec本身通过调用底层的编解码组件获得了Codec的能力;
1. MediaCodec 源码调用流程剖析
MediaCodec->createDecoderByType(String type):创建解码器;
MediaCodec->createEncoderByType(String type):创建编码器;
这个type就是解析后的mimeType,mimeType 例如:"video/avc"
MediaCodec->createByCodecName(String name):根据codec名字创建的MediaCodec实例;
name是codec的名字:例如 是软解码;OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC是硬解码;
1727 /**
1728 * Instantiate the preferred decoder supporting input data of the given mime type.
1729 *
1730 * The following is a partial list of defined mime types and their semantics:
1731 *
1732 * - "video/x-vnd.on2.vp8" - VP8 video (i.e. video in .webm)
1733 *
- "video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" - VP9 video (i.e. video in .webm)
1734 *
- "video/avc" - H.264/AVC video
1735 *
- "video/hevc" - H.265/HEVC video
1736 *
- "video/mp4v-es" - MPEG4 video
1737 *
- "video/3gpp" - H.263 video
1738 *
- "audio/3gpp" - AMR narrowband audio
1739 *
- "audio/amr-wb" - AMR wideband audio
1740 *
- "audio/mpeg" - MPEG1/2 audio layer III
1741 *
- "audio/mp4a-latm" - AAC audio (note, this is raw AAC packets, not packaged in LATM!)
1742 *
- "audio/vorbis" - vorbis audio
1743 *
- "audio/g711-alaw" - G.711 alaw audio
1744 *
- "audio/g711-mlaw" - G.711 ulaw audio
1745 *
1746 *
1747 * Note: It is preferred to use {@link MediaCodecList#findDecoderForFormat}
1748 * and {@link #createByCodecName} to ensure that the resulting codec can handle a
1749 * given format.
1750 *
1751 * @param type The mime type of the input data.
1752 * @throws IOException if the codec cannot be created.
1753 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if type is not a valid mime type.
1754 * @throws NullPointerException if type is null.
1755 */
1756 @NonNull
1757 public static MediaCodec createDecoderByType(@NonNull String type)
1758 throws IOException {
1759 return new MediaCodec(type, true /* nameIsType */, false /* encoder */);
1760 }
MediaCodec 文件中已经枚举出各个type 类型了,一般情况下我们针对视频使用 "video/avc",针对音频使用 "audio/mp4a-latm"
JMediaCodec 是android_media_MediaCodec.cpp 文件中定义的类;
上层执行MediaCodec->createCodecByType 会调用到 /frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/MediaCodecList.cpp
322void MediaCodecList::findMatchingCodecs(
323 const char *mime, bool encoder, uint32_t flags,
324 Vector *matches) {
325 matches->clear();
327 const sp list = getInstance();
328 if (list == nullptr) {
329 return;
330 }
332 size_t index = 0;
333 for (;;) {
334 ssize_t matchIndex =
335 list->findCodecByType(mime, encoder, index);
337 if (matchIndex < 0) {
338 break;
339 }
341 index = matchIndex + 1;
343 const sp info = list->getCodecInfo(matchIndex);
344 CHECK(info != nullptr);
345 AString componentName = info->getCodecName();
347 if ((flags & kHardwareCodecsOnly) && isSoftwareCodec(componentName)) {
348 ALOGV("skipping SW codec '%s'", componentName.c_str());
349 } else {
350 matches->push(componentName);
351 ALOGV("matching '%s'", componentName.c_str());
352 }
353 }
355 if (flags & kPreferSoftwareCodecs ||
356 property_get_bool("debug.stagefright.swcodec", false)) {
357 matches->sort(compareSoftwareCodecsFirst);
358 }
- 开头的codec name;
- 开头的codec name;
293bool MediaCodecList::isSoftwareCodec(const AString &componentName) {
294 return componentName.startsWithIgnoreCase("")
295 || componentName.startsWithIgnoreCase("")
296 || (!componentName.startsWithIgnoreCase("OMX.")
297 && !componentName.startsWithIgnoreCase("c2."));
- format参数是MediaFormat信息;
使用MediaExtractor 可以分离出所有的track信息,有video和audio;- surface 参数主要为video 显示准备,我们将解码完的数据写入surface中,然后使用SurfaceFlinger合成一个个surface,最终展示出来,MediaCodec 可以脱离MediaPlayer 播放视频;
1005status_t MediaCodec::configure(
1006 const sp &format,
1007 const sp &surface,
1008 const sp &crypto,
1009 const sp &descrambler,
1010 uint32_t flags) {
1011 sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatConfigure, this);
1013 if (mAnalyticsItem != NULL) {
1014 int32_t profile = 0;
1015 if (format->findInt32("profile", &profile)) {
1016 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecProfile, profile);
1017 }
1018 int32_t level = 0;
1019 if (format->findInt32("level", &level)) {
1020 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecLevel, level);
1021 }
1022 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecEncoder, (flags & CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE) ? 1 : 0);
1023 }
1025 if (mIsVideo) {
1026 format->findInt32("width", &mVideoWidth);
1027 format->findInt32("height", &mVideoHeight);
1028 if (!format->findInt32("rotation-degrees", &mRotationDegrees)) {
1029 mRotationDegrees = 0;
1030 }
1032 if (mAnalyticsItem != NULL) {
1033 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecWidth, mVideoWidth);
1034 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecHeight, mVideoHeight);
1035 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecRotation, mRotationDegrees);
1036 int32_t maxWidth = 0;
1037 if (format->findInt32("max-width", &maxWidth)) {
1038 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecMaxWidth, maxWidth);
1039 }
1040 int32_t maxHeight = 0;
1041 if (format->findInt32("max-height", &maxHeight)) {
1042 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecMaxHeight, maxHeight);
1043 }
1044 }
1046 // Prevent possible integer overflow in downstream code.
1047 if ((uint64_t)mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight > (uint64_t)INT32_MAX / 4) {
1048 ALOGE("buffer size is too big, width=%d, height=%d", mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight);
1049 return BAD_VALUE;
1050 }
1051 }
1053 msg->setMessage("format", format);
1054 msg->setInt32("flags", flags);
1055 msg->setObject("surface", surface);
1057 if (crypto != NULL || descrambler != NULL) {
1058 if (crypto != NULL) {
1059 msg->setPointer("crypto", crypto.get());
1060 } else {
1061 msg->setPointer("descrambler", descrambler.get());
1062 }
1063 if (mAnalyticsItem != NULL) {
1064 mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kCodecCrypto, 1);
1065 }
1066 } else if (mFlags & kFlagIsSecure) {
1067 ALOGW("Crypto or descrambler should be given for secure codec");
1068 }
1070 // save msg for reset
1071 mConfigureMsg = msg;
1073 status_t err;
1074 Vector resources;
1075 MediaResource::Type type = (mFlags & kFlagIsSecure) ?
1076 MediaResource::kSecureCodec : MediaResource::kNonSecureCodec;
1077 MediaResource::SubType subtype =
1078 mIsVideo ? MediaResource::kVideoCodec : MediaResource::kAudioCodec;
1079 resources.push_back(MediaResource(type, subtype, 1));
1080 // Don't know the buffer size at this point, but it's fine to use 1 because
1081 // the reclaimResource call doesn't consider the requester's buffer size for now.
1082 resources.push_back(MediaResource(MediaResource::kGraphicMemory, 1));
1083 for (int i = 0; i <= kMaxRetry; ++i) {
1084 if (i > 0) {
1085 // Don't try to reclaim resource for the first time.
1086 if (!mResourceManagerService->reclaimResource(resources)) {
1087 break;
1088 }
1089 }
1091 sp response;
1092 err = PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response);
1093 if (err != OK && err != INVALID_OPERATION) {
1094 // MediaCodec now set state to UNINITIALIZED upon any fatal error.
1095 // To maintain backward-compatibility, do a reset() to put codec
1096 // back into INITIALIZED state.
1097 // But don't reset if the err is INVALID_OPERATION, which means
1098 // the configure failure is due to wrong state.
1100 ALOGE("configure failed with err 0x%08x, resetting...", err);
1101 reset();
1102 }
1103 if (!isResourceError(err)) {
1104 break;
1105 }
1106 }
1107 return err;
执行MediaCode->start ,PostAndAwaitResponse 开启一个Looper循环,MediaCodec开始工作;
- 如果一个输入缓冲区准备好,读取部分数据,复制到缓冲区;
- 如果一个输出缓冲区准备好,复制到缓冲区;
- 一个MediaCodec对象可以对特定的数据进行编码或者解码,MediaCodec只负责读入缓冲区数据,再输出到缓冲区,不负责播放音频或者视频;
1214status_t MediaCodec::start() {
1215 sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatStart, this);
1217 status_t err;
1218 Vector resources;
1219 MediaResource::Type type = (mFlags & kFlagIsSecure) ?
1220 MediaResource::kSecureCodec : MediaResource::kNonSecureCodec;
1221 MediaResource::SubType subtype =
1222 mIsVideo ? MediaResource::kVideoCodec : MediaResource::kAudioCodec;
1223 resources.push_back(MediaResource(type, subtype, 1));
1224 // Don't know the buffer size at this point, but it's fine to use 1 because
1225 // the reclaimResource call doesn't consider the requester's buffer size for now.
1226 resources.push_back(MediaResource(MediaResource::kGraphicMemory, 1));
1227 for (int i = 0; i <= kMaxRetry; ++i) {
1228 if (i > 0) {
1229 // Don't try to reclaim resource for the first time.
1230 if (!mResourceManagerService->reclaimResource(resources)) {
1231 break;
1232 }
1233 // Recover codec from previous error before retry start.
1234 err = reset();
1235 if (err != OK) {
1236 ALOGE("retrying start: failed to reset codec");
1237 break;
1238 }
1239 sp response;
1240 err = PostAndAwaitResponse(mConfigureMsg, &response);
1241 if (err != OK) {
1242 ALOGE("retrying start: failed to configure codec");
1243 break;
1244 }
1245 }
1247 sp response;
1248 err = PostAndAwaitResponse(msg, &response);
1249 if (!isResourceError(err)) {
1250 break;
1251 }
1252 }
1253 return err;
ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = mCodec.getInputBuffers();
ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers = mCodec.getOutputBuffers();
上面是获取MediaCodec 输入缓冲区和输出缓冲区的方法,
MediaCodec.BufferInfo 就是MediaCodec中定义的共同缓冲区的结构;
1487 public final static class BufferInfo {
1488 /**
1489 * Update the buffer metadata information.
1490 *
1491 * @param newOffset the start-offset of the data in the buffer.
1492 * @param newSize the amount of data (in bytes) in the buffer.
1493 * @param newTimeUs the presentation timestamp in microseconds.
1494 * @param newFlags buffer flags associated with the buffer. This
1495 * should be a combination of {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} and
1496 * {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.
1497 */
1498 public void set(
1499 int newOffset, int newSize, long newTimeUs, @BufferFlag int newFlags) {
1500 offset = newOffset;
1501 size = newSize;
1502 presentationTimeUs = newTimeUs;
1503 flags = newFlags;
1504 }
1506 /**
1507 * The start-offset of the data in the buffer.
1508 */
1509 public int offset;
1511 /**
1512 * The amount of data (in bytes) in the buffer. If this is {@code 0},
1513 * the buffer has no data in it and can be discarded. The only
1514 * use of a 0-size buffer is to carry the end-of-stream marker.
1515 */
1516 public int size;
1518 /**
1519 * The presentation timestamp in microseconds for the buffer.
1520 * This is derived from the presentation timestamp passed in
1521 * with the corresponding input buffer. This should be ignored for
1522 * a 0-sized buffer.
1523 */
1524 public long presentationTimeUs;
1526 /**
1527 * Buffer flags associated with the buffer. A combination of
1529 *
1530 * Encoded buffers that are key frames are marked with
1531 * {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME}.
1532 *
1533 *
The last output buffer corresponding to the input buffer
1534 * marked with {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} will also be marked
1535 * with {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}. In some cases this could
1536 * be an empty buffer, whose sole purpose is to carry the end-of-stream
1537 * marker.
1538 */
1539 @BufferFlag
1540 public int flags;
1542 /** @hide */
1543 @NonNull
1544 public BufferInfo dup() {
1545 BufferInfo copy = new BufferInfo();
1546 copy.set(offset, size, presentationTimeUs, flags);
1547 return copy;
1548 }
1549 };
- presentationTimeUs 表示数据帧的时间戳;
- flags 数据帧的标记,BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME 表示关键帧;BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM 表示最后输出的帧;
- size 表示帧数据块的大小;
- offset表示帧的起始偏移量;
2.MediaCodec 和OMX框架
MediaPlayer 播放器全面剖析(一)
MediaPlayer 播放器全面剖析(二)
MediaPlayer 全面剖析的文章中分析过,NuPlayer 中创建解码器部分会直接创建MediaCodec实例,并调用到 OMX框架中;
上一章在 初始化MediaCodec的时候会调用到 MediaCodec::init 方法中;
940 mCodec->setCallback(
941 std::unique_ptr(
942 new CodecCallback(new AMessage(kWhatCodecNotify, this))));
943 mBufferChannel = mCodec->getBufferChannel();
944 mBufferChannel->setCallback(
945 std::unique_ptr(
946 new BufferCallback(new AMessage(kWhatCodecNotify, this))));
948 sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatInit, this);
949 msg->setObject("codecInfo", mCodecInfo);
950 // name may be different from mCodecInfo->getCodecName() if we stripped
951 // ".secure"
952 msg->setString("name", name);
发送一个 kWhatInit 消息,
2307 case kWhatInit:
2308 {
2309 sp replyID;
2310 CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID));
2312 if (mState != UNINITIALIZED) {
2313 PostReplyWithError(replyID, INVALID_OPERATION);
2314 break;
2315 }
2317 mReplyID = replyID;
2318 setState(INITIALIZING);
2320 sp codecInfo;
2321 CHECK(msg->findObject("codecInfo", &codecInfo));
2322 AString name;
2323 CHECK(msg->findString("name", &name));
2325 sp format = new AMessage;
2326 format->setObject("codecInfo", codecInfo);
2327 format->setString("componentName", name);
2329 mCodec->initiateAllocateComponent(format);
2330 break;
2331 }
631void ACodec::initiateAllocateComponent(const sp &msg) {
632 msg->setWhat(kWhatAllocateComponent);
633 msg->setTarget(this);
634 msg->post();
发送kWhatAllocateComponent 消息,执行到ACodec::UninitializedState::onAllocateComponent 方法;说明node节点分配成功;
执行MediaCodec->configure 的时候会执行到/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/ACodec.cpp
ACodec::configureCodec 函数,
2034 if (encoder) {
2035 err = setupVideoEncoder(mime, msg, outputFormat, inputFormat);
2036 } else {
2037 err = setupVideoDecoder(mime, msg, haveNativeWindow, usingSwRenderer, outputFormat);
2038 }