
2,compute节点需准备好一个cinder-volumes 的VG。


$ /etc/network/interfaces
 auto eth1
     iface eth1 inetmanual
     up ifconfig eth1up


4,添加ubuntu cloud源

$ /etc/network/interfaces
 auto eth1
     iface eth1 inetmanual
     up ifconfig eth1up


$ wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-precise.deb
$ sudodpkg –i puppetlabs-release-precise.deb




$ sudo apt-get install puppet puppetmaster
$ sudo puppet module install puppetlabs/openstack

9,vi /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:

# This document serves as an example of how to deploy
# basic single and multi-node openstack environments.
# deploy a script that can be used to test nova
class { 'openstack::test_file': }
####### shared variables ##################
# this section is used to specify global variables thatwill
# be used in the deployment of multi and single nodeopenstack
# environments
# assumes that eth0 is the public interface
$public_interface       = 'eth0'
# assumes that eth1 is the interface that will be usedfor the vm network
# this configuration assumes this interface is active butdoes not have an
# ip address allocated to it.
$private_interface      = 'eth1'
# credentials
$admin_email            = 'root@localhost'
$admin_password         = 'keystone_admin'
$cinder_user_password   = 'cinder_pass'
$cinder_db_password     = 'cinder_pass'
$keystone_db_password   = 'keystone_db_pass'
$keystone_admin_token   = 'keystone_admin_token'
$nova_db_password       = 'nova_pass'
$nova_user_password     = 'nova_pass'
$glance_db_password     = 'glance_pass'
$glance_user_password   = 'glance_pass'
$rabbit_password        = 'openstack_rabbit_password'
$rabbit_user            = 'openstack_rabbit_user'
$fixed_network_range    = ''
$floating_network_range = ''
$secret_key             = 'secret_key'
$mysql_root_password    = 'secret'
# switch this to true to have all service log at verbose
$verbose                = false
# by default it does not enable atomatically addingfloating IPs
$auto_assign_floating_ip = false
#### end shared variables #################
# all nodes whose certname matches openstack_all shouldbe
# deployed as all-in-one openstack installations.
node /openstack_all/ {
  include 'apache'
  class {'openstack::all':
   public_address          =>$ipaddress_eth0,
   public_interface        =>$public_interface,
   private_interface       =>$private_interface,
   admin_email             =>$admin_email,
   admin_password          =>$admin_password,
   cinder_db_password      =>$cinder_db_password,
   cinder_user_password    =>$cinder_user_password,
   keystone_db_password    =>$keystone_db_password,
   keystone_admin_token    =>$keystone_admin_token,
   nova_db_password        =>$nova_db_password,
   nova_user_password      =>$nova_user_password,
   glance_db_password      =>$glance_db_password,
   glance_user_password    =>$glance_user_password,
   rabbit_password         =>$rabbit_password,
   rabbit_user             =>$rabbit_user,
   libvirt_type            =>'kvm',
    floating_range          => $floating_network_range,
   fixed_range             =>$fixed_network_range,
    verbose                 => $verbose,
   auto_assign_floating_ip => $auto_assign_floating_ip,
    secret_key              => $secret_key,
    neutron                 => false,
   mysql_root_password     =>$mysql_root_password,
  class {'openstack::auth_file':
   admin_password       =>$admin_password,
   keystone_admin_token => $keystone_admin_token,
   controller_node      =>'',
# multi-node specific parameters
$controller_node_address = ''
$controller_node_public  = $controller_node_address
$controller_node_internal = $controller_node_address
node /openstack_controller/ {
#  class {'nova::volume': enabled => true }
#  class {'nova::volume::iscsi': }
  class {'openstack::controller':
   public_address          =>$controller_node_public,
   public_interface        =>$public_interface,
   private_interface       =>$private_interface,
    internal_address        => $controller_node_internal,
   floating_range          =>$floating_network_range,
   fixed_range             =>$fixed_network_range,
    # by default itdoes not enable multi-host mode
    multi_host              => true,
    # by default isassumes flat dhcp networking mode
   network_manager         =>'nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager',
    verbose                 => $verbose,
   auto_assign_floating_ip => $auto_assign_floating_ip,
   mysql_root_password     =>$mysql_root_password,
   admin_email             =>$admin_email,
   admin_password          =>$admin_password,
   keystone_db_password    =>$keystone_db_password,
   keystone_admin_token    =>$keystone_admin_token,
    cinder_db_password      => $cinder_db_password,
   cinder_user_password    =>$cinder_user_password,
   glance_db_password      =>$glance_db_password,
   glance_user_password    =>$glance_user_password,
    neutron                 => false,
    nova_db_password        => $nova_db_password,
   nova_user_password      =>$nova_user_password,
   rabbit_password         =>$rabbit_password,
   rabbit_user             =>$rabbit_user,
    secret_key              => $secret_key,
  class { 'openstack::auth_file':
   admin_password       =>$admin_password,
   keystone_admin_token => $keystone_admin_token,
   controller_node      =>$controller_node_internal,
node /openstack_compute/ {
  class {'openstack::compute':
   public_interface   =>$public_interface,
   private_interface  =>$private_interface,
   internal_address   =>$ipaddress_eth0,
   libvirt_type       => 'kvm',
   fixed_range        =>$fixed_network_range,
   network_manager    =>'nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager',
    multi_host         => true,
   cinder_db_password => $cinder_db_password,
   nova_db_password   =>$nova_db_password,
   nova_user_password => $nova_user_password,
    neutron            => false,
   rabbit_host        => $controller_node_internal,
   rabbit_password    =>$rabbit_password,
   rabbit_user        =>$rabbit_user,
   glance_api_servers => "${controller_node_internal}:9292",
   vncproxy_host      =>$controller_node_public,
   vnc_enabled        => true,
    verbose            => $verbose,
   manage_volumes     => true,
   volume_group       =>'cinder-volumes'


$ sudo puppet agent –t –-certname openstack_controller
$ sudo puppet cert sign openstack_controller


$ sudo puppet agent –t –certname openstack_controller

12,修改/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py中的ALLOWED_HOSTS ,设定为 ['*']


$ sudo service apache2 restart
