小屁孩日记11 Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Double Down笔记(三)

昨晚睡迟了 @.@  感觉早起一定要早睡啊 sleepy zzz

时间的合理安排与作息还是一个问题 需要磨合

今天内容比较多 没整理完 包括eric 提到的一些比较好的点

图也还没查  先发出来 以后有空修改 今天有点晕 写的东西有些错漏 欢迎指正


(翻出了 马男的时候做的笔记 eric的评价是:笔记太多了,这样记不住。很多词看完一遍,多念几句就能记住了,就不用写到笔记上了。要聪明的记笔记)


小屁孩日记11 Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Double Down笔记(三)_第1张图片

Words and phrases



我是个普通人:I’m an ordinary man=I’m an average man. 长相一般 average-looking

我的英语一般般啦 可用My english is average 代替soso(对,但用的少)

I mean, if I’ve got relatives from caveman times watching over me, those guys are probably gonna be pretty confused by what I do on an average day(=what I normally do).

2.shoulder season

High season 旺季 low season淡季 shoulder season 中间的平季 


All of the icky stuff that comes out of your face!(icky:disgustingly sticky 黏糊糊的 令人厌恶的)

耳屎 earwax; 鼻屎 booger; 眼屎 sleep(sleep可以表示眼屎哦!也常用discharge)

凡是身上排放出来的分泌物或排泄物都可以用 discharge. 

There is a thick, yellow discharge coming from my eye.我眼睛里流出黄色黏稠的分泌物. 或是直接讲 eye discharge. 

You have to wash your face to clean the eye discharge." 你必须去洗脸把眼屎给洗掉.


(1) 口水的讲法有许多种, 常用drool。 drool over something 想要某个东西想要的流口水。

You're drooling all over the table.你的口水流的满桌都是.

You're drooling off my words.你流出来的口水把我写的字给涂掉了。

I'm drooling over the new computer. 新的计算机出来了, 让我看到都会流口水。

(2) saliva 也当“口水”解释, 医学上的专有名词, 相当于“唾液”。water 可广泛地解释为 “口水”、“泪水”或 “汗水”(视上下文而定)

My mouth is watering. 流口水 mouth-watering 垂涎三尺

This cheesecake is mouth-watering! 这个芝士蛋糕真是令人垂涎欲滴


(1) 鼻屎 booger /ˈbʊɡɚ/      

It's the black stuff in your nose; some children play with them or even eat them." (它就是你鼻子里黑色的东西, 有些小孩子会玩它甚至会吃它)

(2) 挖鼻孔  pick one's nose    

Don't pick your nose in front of me.别在我面前挖鼻孔。

(3) 我在流鼻水  I have a running nose.

(4) 鼻涕 比较文雅的讲法是 snivel 或 nasal mucus. (mucus /'mjukəs/原意是黏液, 所以鼻子里的nasal /'neizl/ 黏液自然就是鼻涕了). 小朋友们比较爱用不文雅的 snot 这个字。

有个讨厌鬼的鼻涕快滴下来了, 你就可以跟他说, "Hey, your snot is dripping down."

擤鼻涕 在英文里的讲法叫 吹鼻子 :blow one's nose

例如你要去擤鼻涕, 就可以说, "Excuse me, I have to blow my nose." 如果是要提醒别人该擤鼻涕了, 则可以用客气一点的讲法, "Please wipe your nose." (擦擦你的鼻子吧!)


(1) earwax  耳屎

 Your ears are full of earwax.你的耳朵里全是耳屎。

(2) 挖鼻孔是 pick one's nose, 那挖耳朵自然就是 pick one's ear / scratch one's ear 

所以平常我们挖耳朵用的小杓子就叫 earpick, 只不过老美他们挖耳朵都是用棉花棒 (cotton swab 或作 Q-tip, 一种有名棉花棒的牌子), 你说 earpick 老美可能会听不太懂.

小屁孩日记11 Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Double Down笔记(三)_第2张图片
taste earwax

看到小屁孩说taste earwax 的时候我是懵比的,真的是吃耳屎啊。谷歌了一下,耳屎尝起来是酸的。。。

4.pass up

pass something up: Refrain from taking up an opportunity (= give up)

When you get the chance to own a giant pencil with googly eyes, though, it’s kind of hard to pass up.

I cant pass up the opportunity.机不可失

另外一个好词组是 miss out 错过

你错过了个大机会 You missed out a tremendous opportunity.


If you're impressed, then you like what you see or you feel like saying, "wow!" People are impressed by brains, beauty, money, and lots of other qualities.

I thought there was a chance Mom might not be happy with the way I spent her money, so I made sure to also buy a yo-yo with a good message on it.But Mom wasn’t impressed.

In the third grade we had a Poetry unit in school, and when I showed her what I was working on, Mom was pretty impressed.

6.trade in A for B:拿A换B

She says I have to go back tomorrow and trade in all the stuff I bought for books. 拿所有的东西换书


adj.Soft and pulpy 糊状的   

软柿子用 mushy ,mushy 也有肉麻的意思 mushy movie 肉麻的电影

Mom says the brain is like a muscle, and if you don’t exercise it by reading and doing creative stuff, it’ll get weak and mushy.


Flabby people are rather fat, with loose flesh over their bodies.

She says video games and TV are making my brain flabby, and if something doesn’t change I’m basically gonna be a mindless zombie for the rest of my life.


Mom said if I turned off the television and put down my game controller, I might discover a talent I never knew I had.

10.step out of my comfort zone  & fall flat on my face

step out of my comfort zone 走出舒适区 

fall flat on my face 摔倒脸着地 失败=fail completely

I feel like every time Mom’s tried to get me to step out of my comfort zone, I’ve fallen flat on my face.

11.prestigious & promising

prestigious /prɛ'stɪdʒəs/ 有威望的

promising /'prɑmɪsɪŋ/ 有前途的

Your poem, “My Silly Summer,” has been chosen to appear in the prestigious Poetry Anthology, an annual collection of the nation’s best work by the most promising poets.

anthology: (诗、文等的)选集


baloney:Foolish or deceptive talk; nonsense 胡说八道

It was pretty obvious that anyone could have their poem included in this book, and the whole “nation’s best work” thing was just a bunch of baloney(扯谎).


sucker: n. A gullible or easily deceived person容易上当受骗的人,好糊弄的人

I guess the way the National Poetry Council makes money is by selling the book to all the suckers who got published in it.

14.多少钱一份 a pop

The books were eighty bucks a pop.


scam: 诈骗 a giant scam

The National Poetry Council kept sending us letters and calling, asking us to buy more books, and I think after a while Mom finally realized it was all just a giant scam.

16.get into the idea of  &get it in her head that

get something into one's head that: Come or cause (someone) to realize or understand

I kind of got into the idea of being a poet, and even started to dress differently at school.

Once Mom got it in her head that I was special, she wouldn’t let it go.


brainy: adj. Having or showing intelligence

the brainiest kids 最有脑子 最聪明的孩子  代替smart

Then I finally realized that Mr. Halper’s Helpers were all the brainiest kids in our grade.

No brainer

小屁孩日记11 Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Double Down笔记(三)_第3张图片


flunk: Fail to reach the required standard in (an examination, test, or course of study)

Even though I totally flunked the test.

19.be on a whole different level

在说对方很厉害的时候 用be on a whole different level 要比 much better than 要生动许多~

But believe me, those kids are on a whole different level.

20.come through


During recess, if the Champs were coming through, all the other kids got out of the way. 走过来

21.make the cut

达到标准, 打折扣 /(高尔夫)(四场制赛)取得进入后两场比赛资格

I’m actually kind of grateful I didn’t make the cut, because in middle school, kids like Alex Aruda have to stay inside during recess to do the teachers’ tax returns.

recess: A break between school classes


lousy: adj.Very poor or bad; disgusting

But I think the Language Lizards were just jealous of us because they had such a lousy name.


Give sb a hand We need a hand=help

In sb's hands 在…的照顾之下

You are in good hands. 他会把你照顾的很好

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