

upper body, lower body,

dumbbell um-vm: I am in the gym lifting dumbbell


Lower body

. feet /foot

-> take a walk

-> tread / step

1. toe 脚趾

2. heel 脚后跟

3. ankle 脚踝

. leg

1. knee 膝盖

2. thigh: @ai

  He tore his muscle in his right thigh.

3. Shank: faenk (动物的小腿)

  Her shank looks like slim. 错

  Calf : caef

  Her calves look slim.

4. idiom: break a leg, not have a leg to stand on, get your leg over

. hip 臀

. butt/ass 屁股

- fart: fa:rt

- cut the cheese

.anus: eines

  I relieve my bowel from my anus.

. bowel: bauwel

I wanna relieve my bowels

Upper body

. breast: ea-3 ( full of milk there ) / boob [bub]

  She put her baby to her breasts.

. chest: tf3st ( pectoral:  [ˈpɛktərəl] )

-> push-up

  I keep doing push-up to strengthen my pectoral.

.belly 肚子 / abs

I already have six abs.

. Hand

1. fist

2. thumb: @vm

3. forefinger: f)finge

4. elbow: lbou

  He slipped and fell down, badly bruising his elbow.

5. Joint:  [dʒɔɪnt]

  out of joint, ache a-ei,

  Her joints ache if she exercises.

7. shoulder /  Armpits: i-i / arm (bicep: baic3p: / tricep: traic3p)

-> She was stuck by crowded people. What's worse, she is under someone's smelly armpit.

-> flex: blend his arm

    He flexed his arm to show off how strong his bicep is.

-> abduct [æbˈdʌkt]

  He abduct his arm. Let his arm away from body.

-> adduct  ['ædʌkt]

  He adduct his hand. Let his hand close to his body.

-> extend ( stretch sb's body )

  The athlete extend his bicep and flex his bicep to stretch his muscle.

-> thump (thvmp: hit sth hard with a fist)

I thumped the surface of chair hard

9. claw: cl)  ( the sharp nail of animals ) / pow ( animals' hand ) /  nail: n3l

-> scratch: scraetf ( use your nail to rub your skin usually because of its itch )

  Stopping scratching your mosquito pack. Otherwise you'll  bleed.

10. wrist: rist 手腕

11. palm: pa:m (in the middle of your hand)


-> rip 撕/ 扯

  Don't try to rip me off

-> dab: daeb / dabbed

  apply slightly

. spine: spaine / backbone

  The spine is one of the most important parts in our body.

- spinal: spainel

  . spinal cord

  . spinal nerves

. fat: faet (脂肪)

  You wanna consume your fat

. intestine: in't3stin

  Elimination System includes intestine.

. liver: 'live

  Liver are used to eliminate our body's poison.

. neck ( trapezius:  [trə'pi:zɪrs] connect your shoulder with your spine )

. back

-> stoop ( bend your waist or 躬身)

    He is too talk, so he has to stoop to go through the door

  She stooped down and pick up the little baby




. lip 嘴唇

-> dribble ( a little baby watering )

-> water

The smell from snacks makes my mouth water

-> drool: dru:l (liquid come from your mouth)

  I drooled when I see the snack.

  I drool over her slim boby.

-> saliva: se'laive / spit: spit (the liquid of sb's mouth)

-> no spitting

    She spat in his face and went away.

-> whistle [ˈwɪsl]

    - to make a high sound or a musical tune by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed.

    I am good at whistling.

-> enzyme: '3nzaim

    - digest protein (proti:n)

-> peck: p3k

  He pecked her cheek

->(soft or hard) palate :the top of the mouth

  - I hurted my palate when brushing my teeth

  - the scene of taste

.Jaw: d3c下颚 / chin: tfin 下巴

The punch broke my jaw. lower/upper  jaw

. throat

-> choke: tfeuk


1. (face)

A pink flush spread her cheeks.

Tears are running down her cheeks.

2. (thick face)

I am shocked he has the cheeks to do that.

What a cheek.

. Brain

. cell

. nerve: ne: 神经

. eyes

  - eyebrow

  - eyelash  [ˈaɪˌlæʃ] / false eyelashes

  - wink:  [wɪŋk]

  I winked at what she had done , because I love her.

  - glance: glaens (撇了一眼)

    I glanced at the stunning girl

  - peek: pi:k (look at sth quickly and secretly)

  I peeked at the beautiful girl in case she knew

- eyelid (the lid of eyes)   

- blink 眨眼

. beard

. forehead

. hair

- fringe: frind3

. Action

  - swallow: swa:lou ( make food go through your throat into your stomach )

  Before swallowing the food, you'd better chew the foods well.

Weakness in body

. food baby ( because eat too much. can't help have a bigger belly )

  Sofie sister has a food baby as she is get mature.

. muffin: mvfin (a small cake on the paper cup) / muffin top ( especially indicate female waist fat )

  Sofie sister has a muffin top. The fat is like muffin.

. Bear belly

. double chin: tfin

  Sofie sister has a double chin.


pull-up, sit-up, plank, lunges: 弓箭步,

breath down, breath up,  do bridge,

wiper: waipe,


. tear: t3r / tore: tcr,

. twist

. cut

. swell: sw3l

  1. His arm swelled up after a bee stung him.

  2. (increase in number ,size, strength)

  a growing swell of support

  3.get a swollen sth

-> put an ice pack on your wound

. Nosebleed

I can't help getting a nosebleed.

.scrape: a-ei ( 擦伤 )/ graze

-> wash the wound with antiseptic and rub the wound with antiseptic ointment.

.bruise: bru:se

-> put an ice pack on your wound

. hit / run into / knock ( very hard )

. injure: ind3e

. break 断

-> you need a x-ray and arm or other cast

.wound: wund

. headache

-> take a head pain reliever

. burn

-> put an ice pack on that


. trip on/ fall down ( trip more specific ) 绊倒

placeI can't steadily and then tripped on the stair.

. slip on sth / slide down

I slipped on banana peel. It is awkward.

. drown: draun

  I don't know how to swim, So I am easy to drown.


. accident + injury

. How did the accident happen?

. I was holdding a knife and tripped on the kitchen rug( rvg 小地毯 )

. Were you injured?

. I cut my forefinger.

. Solution

. stitches: stichis (use needle to stop bleed)

.ice pack

. arm cast/ body cast

. bandage

.crutches: crvtchis (make of wood)

. first-aid kit: eid kit

. drug

1. pain reliever

2. ointment:  )intment ( rub ont your skin with this)  like oil

3. balm: bam ( a kind of cream make you less painful )

. disinfect: disinf3ct

. antiseptic : 3nti's3ptic


I am on a diet.


. wave

I just see someone wave his hand, but I can't see you clearly.

. piss

. frown: fraun

  She shake her head,  and frown. She disagree his idea.

.slip: slip

.trip: trip

. raise your hand ( lift up my hand )

. lick

Can I lick more

. stuck ( stvck ) /stick

. suck (svck)

. cuddle: cvddle ( you hug it lightly )

  She like cuddle her cat very much.

. shiver: shive

  In such a strong cold wind, I can't help shivering.

. Swallow: swa:lou

  You, a little girl, is supposed to swallow that rice, then continue to play

. Stroke: strouke

- I stroked her shoulder. She suppose I feel her up. I am innocent 啊

- sexual harassment: heraessment

. crumple: crvmpel

  I crumple a sheet of paper into a rall to relieve my angry.



  Everyone can slim down.

  You also can eat breakfast when you are sliming.

. stamina: a-ae mi-me na-ne

It takes you a lot stamina to run a marathon.


