Rails每周闲碎(八): Test

1. Cucumber


    Cucumber is a tool that can execute plain-text documents as automated functional tests. Here is an example:



Feature: Search courses
  In order to ensure better utilization of courses
  Potential students should be able to search for courses

  Scenario: Search by topic
    Given there are 240 courses which do not have the topic "biology"
    And there are 3 courses A,B,C that each have "biology" as one of the topics
    When I search for "biology"
    Then I should see the following courses:
      | title |
      | A     |
      | B     |
      | C     |





    a. Cucumber测试用例的编写没有那么简单和自由。Cucumber的本质是在文本和程序语言之间建立一种映射。这种映射限制了cucumber测试用 例的编写必须遵循某种规则,并且每个语句都需要有相应的程序语言实现。那么就是说,如果要让客户或者业务分析师脱离开发或者测试人员,独立并且无障碍地编 写测试用例,我觉得大多数人没有这个能力。既然如此,它已经脱离了它本身的初衷。


    b. 用method chain本身就可以实现基本类似的测试用例,为什么要多此一举呢?在项目中,我们用了cucumber,实践证明cucumber用例的编写和维护是相当麻烦的。


    c. 大多数业务人员或者客户根本不会看它一眼。实践表明,大多数业务人员或者客户根本不会看它一眼。他们更相信手工测试的结果,即使是测试人员也是如此。






2. RSpec


    RSpec is the original Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby.


    Spec::Rails : A Rails plugin that brings RSpec to Rails.



3. spec_helper


  # use transactional for each test.
  config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
  # not only insert yaml data to database, but also created all objects. But we always disable it 
  # because of performance issue.
  config.use_instantiated_fixtures  = false
  # default fixtures path
  config.fixture_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/spec/fixtures/'

4. rspec describe

   rspec测试中的describe XXXController有什么作用?看了源代码后,用这种方式会使这个spec成文被测试类的子类。那么它其中的public方法你都可以尽情调用。



5. integrate_views


    对于rspec controller测试,在必要的地方加上integrate_views,否则页面上的错误将被忽视。




    response.should include_text("")




6. rspec pending test



describe "test some thing" do
   it "do some something"     # it's a pending test with no implementation



