ZeroBrane Studio远程调试Lua步骤




ZeroBrane Studio常用窗口

  • Console window


  • Stack window


  • Watch window


How debugging works


当应用程序由于(单步,断点,break命令)挂起的时候。IDE将会去寻找哪里使得应用程序挂起的源文件。如果这个文件已经在IDE中打开,将会在当前行有绿色箭头的默认标签(与大部分编译器是一样的)。如果文件没有在IDE中打开,但是如果配置信息 (editor.autoactivate = true),文件也会被加载到IDE中(貌似我都是拉进去直接设置断点)。

远程调试(Remote debugging)

  • Open ZeroBrane Studio. Go to Project | Start Debugger Server and start the debugger server
  • Open the Lua file you want to debug.
  • Select the project directory by going to Project | Project Directory | Choose...or using Project | Project Directory | Set From Current File.(打开工程)
  • require('mobdebug').start() 添加进去lua文件中。如果应用程序是在别的计算机上运行,就必须去定位IP地址在格式变为require('mobdebug').start("12.345.67.89") or require('mobdebug').start("")(暂时没有去用过,官方介绍使用)

Make mobdebug.lua and luasocket available to your application


First:Setup environment for debugging(设置环境变量)


set ZBS=D:\path\to\ZeroBraneStudio

set LUA\_PATH=./?.lua;%ZBS%/lualibs/?/?.lua;%ZBS%/lualibs/?.lua

set LUA_CPATH=%ZBS%/bin/?.dll;%ZBS%/bin/clibs/?.dll


Macosx && Linux

export ZBS=/opt/zbstudio

export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;$ZBS/lualibs/?/?.lua;$ZBS/lualibs/?.lua"

export LUA_CPATH="$ZBS/bin/linux/x64/?.dll;$ZBS/bin/linux/x64/clibs/?.dll"



Second:Configure path for debugging

设置package.path 和 package.path(如果需要的话)(暂时未使用过这种方法)
package.path = package.path .. ";/opt/zbstudio/lualibs/mobdebug/?.lua"

Third:Include mobdebug.lua with your application

copying mobdebug.lua from lualibs/mobdebug/mobdebug.lua (this assumes your application already provides luasocket support).


  • 如何找到mobdebug.lua ?在Linux中路径是/opt/zbstudio。而在Mac OS X中路径应该是/Applications/。右键ZeroBraneStudio ,打开显示包内容,去获得你的完全路径。(上面ZBS的路径)


  • I can’t step into functions defined in other files in my project. You either need to open them in the IDE before you want to step through them, or to configure the IDE to auto-open files requested during debugging using editor.autoactivate = true.

  • The host name is detected incorrectly. In some rare cases the domain name detected by ZeroBrane Studio cannot be resolved, which prevents the debugger from working. You can specify the domain name or address you want to use by configuring the IDE with debugger.hostname="domain".

  • I get dynamic libraries not enabled error.You may get the following error when loading socket.core on Linux: error loading module ‘socket.core’ from file ‘/opt/zstudio/bin/linux/x86/clibs/socket/’: dynamic libraries not enabled; check your Lua installation. This most likely means that the Lua interpreter you are using was built without LUA_USE_DLOPEN option enabled. You can either enable it or statically link your application with luasocket.

  • **(Note: you should not see this error if you are using v0.38 or later) I get “Debugger error: unexpected response after EXEC/LOAD ‘201 Started …’”. This is caused by not having a filename associated with a dynamic chunk loaded by your application. If you are using loadstring(), you should pass a second parameter that is a filename for the fragment (and that file can then be debugged in ZeroBrane Studio if it’s placed in the project directory). If you are using luaL_loadstring (which has no option to label the chunk with its file path), you can switch to using luaL_loadbuffer to pass that information.

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