
想在ubuntu 14.04 上开发C#, 能用的有Mono

Mono is a runtime environment that can run .NET applications and that works on both Windows and Linux. It includes a C# compiler.

1. install Mono with sudo apt-get install monodevelop

As of Ubuntu 14.04, the executable for MonoDevelop will be found at:  /usr/bin/monodevelop

2. 控制台 Hello World

System; public class HelloWorld { static public void Main () { Console.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World"); } }

使用命令 mcs hello.cs 编译之后会产生一个hello.exe, 可以使用命令 mono hello.exe 运行,输出结果为: Hello Mono World

3. Winforms Hello World

// hello_win.cs
System; using System.Windows.Forms; public class HelloWorld : Form { static public void Main () { Application.Run (new HelloWorld ()); } public HelloWorld () { Text = "Hello Mono World"; } }

使用命令 mcs hello.cs -pkg:dotnet 编译会报错,需要使用 mcs helloWinforms.cs -pkg:dotnet -lib:/usr/lib/mono/2.0 (我使用的是ubuntu14.04)

使用命令 mono hello.exe 运行


