Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions

㈠ Managing File Ownership

1. shows all files that have user lisa as their owner

Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第1张图片

2. searches all files that are owned by the group account

Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第2张图片

3. changes ownership for the directory /home and everything beneath it to user linda

Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第3张图片

4. changes the group owner (two method: chown, chgrp)

Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第4张图片
Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第5张图片
Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第6张图片

5. using newgrp to Change the Effective Primary Group

㈡ Managing Basic Permissions

Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第7张图片

1.  Applying Read, Write, and Execute Permissions

2. exercises 7.1

Chapter 7 Configuring Permissions_第8张图片

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