Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Day 13

Day 13, Page 136-148    结束部分文字:it can say it back to you.


1. crank out:

crank something  out短语动词

to produce a lot of something very quickly

E.g. He cranked out three novels last year.

原文:I thought I could just crank out my thank-you cards in a half hour, but when it came to actually writing them, my mind went blank.

造句:I have to crank out those paperworks so as I can get in time for the meeting.

复习:crank something  up短语动词


to make the sound of something, especially music, louder

E.g. We cranked up the volume.

造句:I saw something spectacular when I cranked up the microscope.

2. crack sb up:


to laugh a lot at something, or to make someone laugh a lot

E.g. Everyone in the class just cracked up.

E.g. She's so funny. She cracks me up.

原文:I tried to cheer him up, but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working.

造句:He tried all means to crack her up but it didn't work.

其他用法:to become unable to think or behave sensibly because you have too many problems or too much work.

E.g. I was beginning to think I was cracking up.

造句:The bad result cracked me up.

3. cash in:


to make a profit from a situation in a way that other people think is wrong or unfair

E.g. The record company was trying to cash in on her fame by releasing early teenage recordings.

原文:I tried to cash in on some of Rowley's new popularity, but it totally backfired.

造句:Cashing in on a bet is not something great to show off.

4. tick sb off:

tick something  off短语动词

1英式 非正式

to tell someone angrily that you are annoyed with them or disapprove of them

E.g. Mrs Watts will tick you off if you are late again.


to mark the things on a list with a tick to show that they have been dealt with, chosen etc

同义 check off美式

E.g. As you finish each task, tick it off.

3美式 非正式to annoy someone

E.g. Her attitude is really ticking me off.


to tell someone a list of things, especially when you touch a different finger as you say each thing on the list

E.g. Carville began ticking off points on his fingers.

原文:What really ticks me off about that is that Rowley is right-handed, and it's his LEFT hand that's broken.

造句:The phone call at mid-night really ticked me off.

5. claim to fame:

one thing that makes a person or place important or interesting


E.g. His main claim to fame is that he went to school with the Prime Minister.

原文:Ricky's big claim to fame is that he'll pick the gum off the bottom of a desk and chew it if you pay him fifty cents.

造句:Everybody may have their claim to fame some day.

6. freak out:

freak out短语动词


to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid

E.g. People just freaked out when they heard the news.

freak somebody out

E.g. The whole idea freaked me out.

原文:At first everybody kind of freaked out, because we thought we were going to have to build the robot from scratch.

造句:Don't freak out before you start doing.

7. from scratch

if you start something from scratch, you begin it without using anything that existed or was prepared before

E.g. We had to start again from scratch.

E.g. He had built the business up from scratch.

原文:At first everybody kind of freaked out, because we thought we were going to have to build the robot from scratch.

造句:I learnt Korean from scratch 7 years ago.


It took Rowley like ten minutes to walk the Big Wheel back up the hill after every trip down.

结构:It took sb sometime to do sth

仿写: I don't know how long it takes to forget someone who have been part of your life for several years.

But being good at sewing does not exactly buy you popularity points at school.

仿写:Money can't buy me love.


My baby's dad left on Saturday. Maybe he will come back in 10 days, as discussed, to accompany me for the next regular check-up at hospital, though he seemed way reluctant to do so. He is much more interested in starting his new life in a place without me. I am sad but do not freak out. I will take good care of my baby and myself with or without him. Fighting!


  1. nonclothes (求助老师,没查到)

  2. breeze: a thing that is easy to do

  3. cast: a shaped container used to make an object

  4. backfired (复习): 事与愿违  to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results

  5. racket: a dishonest way of obtaining money, such as by threatening people or selling them illegal goods

  6. gauze: thin cotton with very small holes in it that is used for tying around a wound

  7. rag: a small piece of old cloth

  8. splinter: a small sharp piece of wood, glass, or metal, that has broken off a larger piece

  9. swarm: if people swarm somewhere, they go there as a large uncontrolled crowd

  10. gimmick (复习): a trick or something unusual that you do to make people notice someone or something – used to show disapproval (similar to "stunk")

  11. bust: a complete failure (similar to "flop")

  12. embroider: to sew a design on a piece of cloth 刺绣

  13. catch: a hidden difficulty or disadvantage

  14. lip gloss: 唇彩,唇蜜


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