NCE-2 8 The best and the worst

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Lesson 8 The best and the worst 最好的和最差的

Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!

From Joe Sander's View:

I love gardening! I am a retired architect and I decorate my garden with my knowledge and experience. I design a few paths in it and build a nice bridge over the pool in which I also breed several fish. Every year, it holds "The Nicest Garden Competition" in our town. My biggest competitor is Bill Frith who works harder than me. He grows many flowers and 'flowers'[=> vegetables 170121] but his garden lacks of a sense of art. I wins the competition 'each'[=> every 170120 虽然不清晰, 直觉告诉我这里错了] year because my garden is most beautiful and interesting. My neighbor George is the laziest man in the town. He always says that he loves garden very much. He erters for the competition and get a little prize of worst garden every year.


  • nearly / almost
  • enter for competition 参加比赛
  • make neat paths: neat 整齐的, make a path
    • Feet has worn a path ... 踩踏成径
  • gardening 园艺
    • Many people in Britain are fond of gardening.
  • breed fish
  • lack(v.) of sth / be lack(n.) of sth / be short of sth
  • first(= main) prize / last prize

From Bill's View:

Almost everybody takes part in yearly 'The Most Beautiful Gardent Competition' [:yearly 作adj 170120] and Joe Sander's always wins the competition. I acknowledge that I am short of sense and experience in landscape design. I don't manage to build a path and a bridge while it is a piece of cake for[=> to] Joe. But I dare to say that Joe is not as good as me in growing vegetables and flowers. I think I can learn skill[=> skills] of building from Joe this year and I would win the prize next year. George is the laziest guy in 'the'[=> our] town and his garden is full of long grasses and rabbish. He also enter[=> enters] for the competition and wins the last prize each time.


  • take part in / enter for
  • acknowledge / admit
  • manage to do: 设法成功做到. don't manage to: 无法成功做到
  • a piece of cake to sb.
  • dare to say
  • landscape design 园林设计


  • gardening 园艺
    • Many people in Britain are fond of gardening.
  • a piece of cake to sb.

(作文时间: 2016年12月21日, 耗时: 60分钟)


  • every 和 each 的区别不是很清晰
  • yearly 常用作adj
    • have their yearly meeting
    • sets a yearly budget for health care
    • We get a yearly pay increase.我们每年加薪一次。
    • 作adv: Interest is paid yearly.利息按年支付。
    • We pay the fee yearly.我们每年付费。
      (修改时间: 2017-01-20, 耗时: 15 分钟)


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