NCE-2 14 Do you speak English?

Origin Content

Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?

I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!


  • amusing: amusive, diverting, interesting
  • leave n 离开某地, leave for 离开前往
  • drive on: on - 向前,前进地. move on, walk on
  • wave to sb 向sb招手
  • lift. ask for a ~, give sb a ~, hitch a ~
  • in a language, 用xx语言
  • apart from, 对应中文
    • A. 除了...外, 没有了

    Apart from her, we were all in agreement.

    This movie house has a reduced price, apart from Saturday and Sunday. 这家电影院工作日有折扣票.
    - B. 除了...外, 还有...
    > Who else went there apart from you? 除了你,去那里的还有谁?
    > There are other problems with that car apart from its cost. 这辆车不但价钱高,而且还有其他一些问题。

  • 引申1: nothing apart from, 对应中文:
    • 唯一只有 -- 除此之外, 没有别的

    She has nothing apart from her good looks to get by in life. 她只能靠自己的美貌过日子。
    - 离开了...就什么也不是
    > Jesus taught us that we can do nothing apart from him. 耶稣教导我们,离开了他,我们就一事无成。

  • 引申2: nobody apart from, 对应中文: 除...之外别无他人

Nobody apart from my mother has ever said that to me. 除了我母亲,谁也没有这样对我说过。

  • neither: 作为代词,表示“两者均不”, 后接单数动词 (多者均不, 用none)
  • nearly: 即将;就要 Nearly is used to indicate that something will soon be the case.

It was so funny - we nearly died laughing.太有趣了——我们差点笑死。

  • as I soon learnt, 正如我秒懂的

From the Hitcher's View:

Last year, I was visiting all parts of the European[=>Europe] and I had experienced an amusing a lift. That day, I stood by the road and waved to a van. The van stopped and I asked for a lift in French then. The driver agreed friendly so I got into his van. He greeted to me in the same language and I replied. But I am an English and I didn't, as it were, know French besides[=>except] a few works for daily use. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I expected that the driver talked to me in English. but he hadn't and finally I (想表达忍不住问,没想到怎么写) asked him whether he can speak English when we nearly arrived the downtown. He told me that he also was an English.


  • Europe 跟 European混淆了
  • stand by
  • greet to 问候
  • besides 用于引入extra things. 这里用法是错的, 应该用 except

From My View:

There was an amusing story happened in the South of French. Two teenagers had finished visit[ed=>ing] their journey of the same small village. One teenager stood by the road and waved to the other one for a lift. Both of them thought that the other person was a French. So they talked nothing apart from a few greetings in French. They didn't know they are all English until the one who hitched asked the driver that whether he knew English when they nearly reached the town.


  • finish doing
  • greetings


  • apart from, 对应中文
    • A. 除了...外, 没有了

    Apart from her, we were all in agreement.
    - B. 除了...外, 还有...
    > Who else went there apart from you?

  • 引申1: nothing apart from, 对应中文:
    • 唯一只有 -- 除此之外, 没有别的

    She has nothing apart from her good looks to get by in life. 她只能靠自己的美貌过日子。

(作文时间: 2016年12月17日, 耗时: 140分钟)


(修改时间: 2016年xx月xx日, 耗时: xx分钟)


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