
11. Put your politics aside.

*put something aside: to ignore or forget something, usually a feeling or difference of opinion

 synonym: disregard

 - They decided to put aside their differences.

12. He's worried about their campaign contributions.

*contribution: [countable]a sum of money that is given to a person or an organization in order to help pay for something

 synonym: donation

13. I'm worried that we're overextended.

*overextended: involved in more work or activities, or spending more money, than you can manage without problems

 - Many company managers are severely overextended.

 - They found themselves overextended when they borrowed the money for the new house.

14. How many Sheffrin-Marks deposit do we have left?

*have something left  还剩下……

15. Two ten=1/5

16. The Mckeons are gonna want to keep this out of the press.

*keep something out of the press

17. So my guess is they throw her some cash, maybe 50 grand or so to keep her quiet.

*my guess is...

*throw somebody something

*grand: (pl.grand)(informal)$1 000; £1 000

*... or so

18. I want you to be at this lunch.

*at this lunch

19. Today was the first step toward his release.

*the first step toward something

*release: [uncountable,singular]release(of somebody) (from something)the act of setting a person or an animal free; the state of being set free

20. I beat you three sets to two. 

*beat somebody+比分

*set: [countable]one section of a match in games such as tennis or volleyball 
