在第一阶段将未处理完的ClassSymbol放入uncompleted队列后,循环队列中的ClassSymbol并调用complete()方法,从而调用了MemberEnter类的complete(Symbol symbol)方法。
1、访问MemberEnter类的visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit jcCompilationUnit):
public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit jcCompilationUnit) { // 如果运行完importAll()方法后,那么starImportScope中的elements就不为null if (jcCompilationUnit.starImportScope.elements != null) { // starImportScope为A scope for all import-on-demands. // we must have already processed this toplevel return; } // check that no class exists with same fully qualified name as toplevel package if (checkClash && jcCompilationUnit.packageIdentifier != null) { Symbol packageSymbol = jcCompilationUnit.packageSymbol; while (packageSymbol.ownerSymbol != symbolTable.rootPackage) { // 进行循环检测 packageSymbol.ownerSymbol.complete(); // enter all class members of packageSymbol if (symbolTable.classes.get(packageSymbol.getQualifiedName()) != null) { log.error(jcCompilationUnit.position, "pkg.clashes.with.class.of.same.name", packageSymbol); // 程序包{0}与带有相同名称的类冲突 } packageSymbol = packageSymbol.ownerSymbol; } } // process package annotations annotateLater(jcCompilationUnit.packageAnnotations, environment, jcCompilationUnit.packageSymbol); // Import-on-demand java.lang. PackageSymbol pkgSymbol = classReader.enterPackage(names.java_lang); importAll(jcCompilationUnit.position, pkgSymbol , environment); // Process all import clauses. jcCompilationUnit.defs中包含JCImport也包含JCClassDecl memberEnter(jcCompilationUnit.defs, environment); }
private void importAll( int position, final TypeSymbol typeSymbol, Environmentenvironment) { // Check that packages imported from exist (JLS ???). if ( typeSymbol.kind == _PCK_1 && typeSymbol.members().elements == null && // PackageSymbol的members()方法中还会调用ClassReader的complete()方法 !typeSymbol.exists() // PackageSymbol中的exists()方法 (flags_field & EXISTS) != 0 ){ // If we can't find java.lang, exit immediately. if (((PackageSymbol)typeSymbol).fullname.equals(names.java_lang)) { JCDiagnostic msg = diags.fragment("fatal.err.no.java.lang"); // 致命错误: 在类路径或引导类路径中找不到程序包 java.lang throw new FatalError(msg); } else { log.error(DiagnosticFlag.RESOLVE_ERROR, position, "doesnt.exist", typeSymbol); // 程序包{0}不存在 } } Scope membersField = typeSymbol.members(); environment.toplevel.starImportScope.importAll(membersField); }
/** * Completion for classes to be loaded. Before a class is loaded we make * sure its enclosing class (if any 如果有的话) is loaded. * * 在完成类 将被加载之前,要确保它的封闭类已经被加载了 */ public void complete(Symbol symbol) throws CompletionFailure { if (symbol.kind == _TYP_2) { ClassSymbol classSymbol = (ClassSymbol) symbol; classSymbol.members_field = new ErrorScope(classSymbol); // make sure it's always defined boolean saveSuppressFlush = suppressFlush; suppressFlush = true; try { completeOwners(classSymbol.owner); completeEnclosing(classSymbol); } finally { suppressFlush = saveSuppressFlush; } fillIn(classSymbol); } else if (symbol.kind == _PCK_1) { PackageSymbol packageSymbol = (PackageSymbol) symbol; try { fillIn(packageSymbol); // 为这个符号填充一些信息,如members_field,并且为Scope中的Entry添加符号 } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CompletionFailure(symbol, ex.getLocalizedMessage()).initCause(ex); } } if (!filling && !suppressFlush) { annotate.flush(); // finish attaching annotations } }
/** complete up through the enclosing package. */ private void completeOwners(Symbol ownerSymbol) { if (ownerSymbol.kind != _PCK_1) { // 处理的是非PackageSymbol completeOwners(ownerSymbol.owner); // 递归调用 } ownerSymbol.complete(); }
/** * Tries to complete lexically enclosing classes if classSymbol looks like a * nested class. This is similar to completeOwners but handles the situation * when a nested class is accessed directly as it is possible with the Tree * API or javax.lang.model.*. */ private void completeEnclosing(ClassSymbol classSymbol) { if (classSymbol.owner.kind != _PCK_1) { // 处理的是PackageSymbol return; } Symbol owner = classSymbol.owner; Name shortName = Convert.shortName(classSymbol.name); Listnames = Convert.enclosingCandidates(shortName); for (Name name : names) { Symbol enclosingClass = owner.members().lookup(name).symbol; if (enclosingClass == null) { enclosingClass = classes.get(TypeSymbol.formFlatName(name, owner)); } if (enclosingClass != null) { enclosingClass.complete(); } } }
/** * Fill in definition of class `c' from corresponding class or source file. */ private void fillIn(ClassSymbol classSymbol) { if (completionFailureName == classSymbol.fullname) { throw new CompletionFailure(classSymbol, "user-selected completion failure by class name"); } currentOwner = classSymbol; warnedAttrs.clear(); JavaFileObject classfile = classSymbol.classfile; if (classfile != null) { JavaFileObject previousClassFile = currentClassFile; try { if (filling) { Assert.error("Filling " + classfile.toUri() + " during " + previousClassFile); } currentClassFile = classfile; if (verbose) { log.printVerbose("loading", currentClassFile.toString()); } if (sourceCompleter != null) { sourceCompleter.complete(classSymbol); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Source completer required to read " + classfile.toUri()); } return; } finally { currentClassFile = previousClassFile; } } else { JCDiagnostic diag = diagFactory.fragment("class.file.not.found", classSymbol.flatname); throw newCompletionFailure(classSymbol, diag); } }
public interface SourceCompleter { void complete(ClassSymbol sym) throws CompletionFailure; }
/** Complete compiling a source file that has been accessed * by the class file reader. * @param c The class the source file of which needs to be compiled. * @param filename The name of the source file. * @param f An input stream that reads the source file. */ public void complete(ClassSymbol c) throws CompletionFailure { // System.err.println("completing " + c);//DEBUG if (completionFailureName == c.fullname) { throw new CompletionFailure(c, "user-selected completion failure by class name"); } JCCompilationUnit tree; JavaFileObject filename = c.classfile; JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(filename); try { tree = parse(filename, filename.getCharContent(false)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("error.reading.file", filename, JavacFileManager.getMessage(e)); tree = make.TopLevel(List.nil(), null, List. nil()); } finally { log.useSource(prev); } enter.complete(List.of(tree), c); if (enter.getEnvironment(c) == null) { boolean isPkgInfo = tree.sourcefile.isNameCompatible("package-info", JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); if (isPkgInfo) { if (enter.getEnvironment(tree.packageSymbol) == null) { JCDiagnostic diag = diagFactory.fragment("file.does.not.contain.package", c.location()); throw reader.new BadClassFile(c, filename, diag); } } else { JCDiagnostic diag = diagFactory.fragment("file.doesnt.contain.class", c.getQualifiedName()); throw reader.new BadClassFile(c, filename, diag); } } implicitSourceFilesRead = true; }
/** * Load directory of package into members scope. */ private void fillIn(PackageSymbol packageSymbol) throws IOException { if (packageSymbol.members_field == null) { packageSymbol.members_field = new Scope(packageSymbol); } String packageName = packageSymbol.fullname.toString(); Setkinds = getPackageFileKinds(); // Lists all file objects matching the given criteria in the given location. // List file objects in "subpackages" if recurse is true. if (packageName == null || EnumSet.of(JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS) == null || fileManager == null) { return; } Iterable files = fileManager.list(PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, packageName, EnumSet.of(JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS), false); /** * Location to search for platform classes. Sometimes called the boot * class path. */ fillIn(packageSymbol, PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, files); SetclassKinds = EnumSet.copyOf(kinds); classKinds.remove(JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); boolean wantClassFiles = !classKinds.isEmpty(); Set sourceKinds = EnumSet.copyOf(kinds); sourceKinds.remove(JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS); boolean wantSourceFiles = !sourceKinds.isEmpty(); /** * Location to search for existing source files. */ boolean haveSourcePath = fileManager.hasLocation(SOURCE_PATH); // 省略一部分代码 }
private void fillIn(PackageSymbol packageSymbol, Location location, Iterable files) {
currentLoc = location;
for (JavaFileObject javaFileObject : files) {
switch (javaFileObject.getKind()) {
case CLASS:
case SOURCE: {
// TODO pass binaryName to includeClassFile
String binaryName = fileManager.inferBinaryName(currentLoc, javaFileObject);
String simpleName = binaryName.substring(binaryName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (SourceVersion.isIdentifier(simpleName) || simpleName.equals("package-info")) { // simpleName不为java定义的关键字或者不为package-info时
includeClassFile(packageSymbol, javaFileObject);
default: {
extraFileActions(packageSymbol, javaFileObject);
/** * Include class corresponding to given class file in package, unless (1) we * already have one the same kind (.class or .java), or (2) we have one of * the other kind, and the given class file is older. */ protected void includeClassFile(PackageSymbol packageSymbol, JavaFileObject file) { if ((packageSymbol.flags_field & EXISTS) == 0) { for (Symbol q = packageSymbol; q != null && q.kind == _PCK_1; q = q.owner) { q.flags_field |= EXISTS; } } JavaFileObject.Kind kind = file.getKind(); int seen; if (kind == JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS) { seen = CLASS_SEEN; } else { seen = SOURCE_SEEN; } String binaryName = fileManager.inferBinaryName(currentLoc, file); int lastDot = binaryName.lastIndexOf("."); Name classname = names.fromString(binaryName.substring(lastDot + 1)); boolean isPkgInfo = (classname == names.package_info); ClassSymbol classSymbol = null; if (isPkgInfo) { classSymbol = packageSymbol.package_info; } else { Entry entry = packageSymbol.members_field.lookup(classname); classSymbol = (ClassSymbol) entry.symbol; } if (classSymbol == null) { classSymbol = enterClass(classname, packageSymbol); if (classSymbol.classfile == null) { // only update the file if's it's newly created classSymbol.classfile = file; } if (isPkgInfo) { packageSymbol.package_info = classSymbol; } else { if (classSymbol.owner == packageSymbol) { // it might be an inner class packageSymbol.members_field.enter(classSymbol); } } } else if (classSymbol.classfile != null && (classSymbol.flags_field & seen) == 0) { // if c.classfile == null, we are currently compiling this class and // no further action is necessary. // if (c.flags_field & seen) != 0, we have already encountered a // file of the same kind; again no further action is necessary. if ((classSymbol.flags_field & (CLASS_SEEN | SOURCE_SEEN)) != 0) { classSymbol.classfile = preferredFileObject(file, classSymbol.classfile); } } classSymbol.flags_field |= seen; }
/** * Create a new toplevel or member class symbol with given name and owner * and enter in `classes' unless already there. */ public ClassSymbol enterClass(Name name, TypeSymbol ownerTypeSymbol) { Name flatName = TypeSymbol.formFlatName(name, ownerTypeSymbol); ClassSymbol classSymbol = classes.get(flatName); if (classSymbol == null) { classSymbol = defineClass(name, ownerTypeSymbol); classes.put(flatName, classSymbol); } else { boolean a = (classSymbol.name != name || classSymbol.owner != ownerTypeSymbol); boolean b = ownerTypeSymbol.kind == _TYP_2; boolean c = classSymbol.owner.kind == _PCK_1; if (a && b && c) { // reassign fields of classes that might have been loaded with // their flat names. // TODO 为什么要提前通过类全名进行加载呢? classSymbol.owner.members().remove(classSymbol); classSymbol.name = name; classSymbol.owner = ownerTypeSymbol; classSymbol.fullname = ClassSymbol.formFullName(name, ownerTypeSymbol); } } return classSymbol; }
/** * Define a new class given its name and owner. */ public ClassSymbol defineClass(Name name, Symbol owner) { ClassSymbol c = new ClassSymbol(0, name, owner); if (owner.kind == _PCK_1) { Assert.checkNull(classes.get(c.flatname), c); } c.completer = this; // 将ClassReader对象赋值给新的ClassSymbol的completer属性 return c; }
// process the non-static imports and the static imports of types. 处理类型的静态和非静态引入 public void visitImport(JCImport jcImport) { JCTree jcTree = jcImport.qualified; Name name = TreeInfo.name(jcTree); // identifier/field/a parameterized type TypeSymbol typeSymbol; // Create a local environment pointing to this tree to disable // effects of other imports in Resolve.findGlobalType EnvironmentlocalEnvironment = environment.duplicate(jcImport); // 更新tree属性为JCImport // Attribute qualifying package or class. JCFieldAccess jcFieldAccess = (JCFieldAccess) jcTree; int protoKind; if(jcImport.staticImport){ // import static java.lang.Math.*; // import static java.lang.Math.sin; protoKind = _TYP; }else{ // import java.lang.* _PCK // import java.lang.Object _TYP protoKind = _TYP | _PCK; } // 在符号输入的过程中也可能进行标记,如下: Type type = attr.attribTree(jcFieldAccess.selected, localEnvironment, protoKind, Type.noType); typeSymbol = type.typeSymbol; if (name == names.asterisk) { // Import on demand. check.checkCanonical(jcFieldAccess.selected); if (jcImport.staticImport){ importStaticAll(jcImport.position, typeSymbol, environment); }else{ importAll(jcImport.position, typeSymbol, environment); } } else { // Named type import. if (jcImport.staticImport) { importNamedStatic(jcImport.position(), typeSymbol, name, localEnvironment); check.checkCanonical(jcFieldAccess.selected); } else { Type type1 = attributeImportType(jcTree, localEnvironment); TypeSymbol typeSymbol1 = type1.typeSymbol; check.checkCanonical(jcTree); // 是否是合乎规范的? importNamed(jcImport.position(), typeSymbol1, environment); // Import given class. } } }
如上代码要处理import java.util.ArrayList;语句。
4、对于JCClassDefinition节点调用MemberEnter的visitTree()后不做任何处理。但是在MemberEnter的complete(Symbol symbol)方法中对JCClassDefinition语法节点进行填充。
(1) 填充classType属性的supertype_field属性
Type superType = null; if(jcClassDeclaration.extending != null){ superType = attr.attribBase(jcClassDeclaration.extending, baseEnvironment, true, false, true); }else{ if( (jcClassDeclaration.modifiers.flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0 && !target.compilerBootstrap(classSymbol) ){ JCExpression jcExpression = enumBase(jcClassDeclaration.position, classSymbol); superType = attr.attribBase(jcExpression, baseEnvironment,true, false, false); }else{ if(classSymbol.fullname == names.java_lang_Object){ superType = Type.noType; }else{ superType = symbolTable.objectType; } } }
(2) 填充classType属性的interfaces_field和all_interfaces_field属性
// Determine interfaces. ListBufferinterfaces = new ListBuffer (); ListBuffer all_interfaces = null; // lazy initializer Set interfaceSet = new HashSet (); List interfaceTrees = jcClassDeclaration.implementing; // 为枚举类型添加了两个接口,Comparable和Serializable if ((jcClassDeclaration.modifiers.flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0 && target.compilerBootstrap(classSymbol)) { // add interface Comparable // ClassType(Type outer, List typeParameters, TypeSymbol typeSymbol) ClassType ct = new ClassType( symbolTable.comparableType.getEnclosingType(), // java.lang.Comparable List.of(classSymbol.type), symbolTable.comparableType.typeSymbol ); JCExpression jcExpression = treeMaker.Type(ct); interfaceTrees = interfaceTrees.prepend(jcExpression); // add interface Serializable JCExpression serializableExpr = treeMaker.Type(symbolTable.serializableType); interfaceTrees = interfaceTrees.prepend(serializableExpr); } for (JCExpression iface : interfaceTrees) { Type interfaceType = attr.attribBase(iface, baseEnvironment, false, true, true); if (interfaceType.typeTag == CLASS) { interfaces.append(interfaceType); if (all_interfaces != null){ all_interfaces.append(interfaceType); } check.checkNotRepeated(iface.position(), types.erasure(interfaceType), interfaceSet); } else { // 如果进入这个循环,可能已经出错了? if (all_interfaces == null){ all_interfaces = new ListBuffer ().appendList(interfaces); } all_interfaces.append(modelMissingTypes(interfaceType, iface, true)); } } // 处理annotation注解 // java.lang.annotation.Annotation if ( (classSymbol.flags_field & ANNOTATION) != 0 ) { classType.interfaces_field = List.of(symbolTable.annotationType); classType.all_interfaces_field = classType.interfaces_field; } else { classType.interfaces_field = interfaces.toList(); classType.all_interfaces_field = (all_interfaces == null) ? classType.interfaces_field : all_interfaces.toList(); } // 如果类是Object,则进一步其父类和接口 if (classSymbol.fullname == names.java_lang_Object) { if (jcClassDeclaration.extending != null) { check.checkNonCyclic(jcClassDeclaration.extending.position(), superType); classType.supertype_field = Type.noType; } else if (jcClassDeclaration.implementing.nonEmpty()) { check.checkNonCyclic(jcClassDeclaration.implementing.head.position(), classType.interfaces_field.head); classType.interfaces_field = List.nil(); } }
(3) 标记类的类型变量
attr.attribTypeVariables(jcClassDeclaration.typeParameters, baseEnvironment);
(4) 添加默认的构造函数
// Add default constructorSymbol if needed. // 在非接口且没有默认构造函数的情况下,添加默认的构造函数 if ((classSymbol.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0 && !TreeInfo.hasConstructors(jcClassDeclaration.defs)) { // 默认如下三项都为空 ListargumentTypes = List.nil(); List typeParameters = List.nil(); List thrown = List.nil(); long ctorFlags = 0; boolean based = false; if (classSymbol.name.isEmpty()) { // 如果符号的name为空的话 JCNewClass jcNewClass = (JCNewClass)environment.next.tree; if (jcNewClass.constructorSymbol != null) { Type superConstructorType = types.memberType(classSymbol.type,jcNewClass.constructorSymbol); argumentTypes = superConstructorType.getParameterTypes(); typeParameters = superConstructorType.getTypeArguments(); ctorFlags = jcNewClass.constructorSymbol.flags() & VARARGS; if (jcNewClass.enclosingExpression != null) { argumentTypes = argumentTypes.prepend(jcNewClass.enclosingExpression.type); based = true; } thrown = superConstructorType.getThrownTypes(); } } JCTree constructorDef = DefaultConstructor(treeMaker.at(jcClassDeclaration.position), classSymbol, typeParameters, argumentTypes, thrown, ctorFlags,based); jcClassDeclaration.defs = jcClassDeclaration.defs.prepend(constructorDef); }
(5) 输入this与super关键字到当前的作用域
// If this is a class, enter symbols for this and super into current scope. // 如果为一个类,输入this和super关键字到当前的作用域 if ((classSymbol.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0) { // 输入this符号 VarSymbol thisSymbol = new VarSymbol(FINAL | HASINIT, names._this, classSymbol.type, classSymbol); thisSymbol.pos = Position.FIRSTPOS; // firstpos environment.info.scope.enter(thisSymbol); // 有直接的父类才会输入super符号??? if (classType.supertype_field.typeTag == CLASS) { // 对于接口,supertype_field的typeTag为INTERFACE VarSymbol superSymbol = new VarSymbol(FINAL | HASINIT, names._super, classType.supertype_field, classSymbol); superSymbol.pos = Position.FIRSTPOS; environment.info.scope.enter(superSymbol); } }
try { while (halfcompleted.nonEmpty()) { Environmenttemp = halfcompleted.next(); finish(temp); } } finally { isFirst = true; }
public void visitMethodDefinition(JCMethodDeclaration jcMethodDeclaration) { Scope enclosingScope = enter.enterScope(environment); // MethodSymbol(long flags, Name name, Type type, Symbol owner) MethodSymbol methodSymbol = new MethodSymbol(0, jcMethodDeclaration.name, null, enclosingScope.owner); // Check that given modifiers are legal for given symbol and // return modifiers together with any implicit modifiers for that symbol. // checkFlags(DiagnosticPosition pos, long flags, Symbol symbol, JCTree jcTree) methodSymbol.flags_field = check.checkFlags(jcMethodDeclaration.position(), jcMethodDeclaration.modifiers.flags, methodSymbol, jcMethodDeclaration); jcMethodDeclaration.methodSymbol = methodSymbol; // 为methodSymbol赋值 EnvironmentlocalEnvironment = methodEnvironment(jcMethodDeclaration, environment); DeferredLintHandler prevLintHandler = check.setDeferredLintHandler(deferredLintHandler.setPos(jcMethodDeclaration.position())); try { // Compute the method type methodSymbol.type = signature(jcMethodDeclaration.typeParameters, jcMethodDeclaration.parameters, jcMethodDeclaration.returnType, jcMethodDeclaration.thrown, localEnvironment); } finally { check.setDeferredLintHandler(prevLintHandler); } // Set methodSymbol.parameters ListBuffer parameters = new ListBuffer (); JCVariableDeclaration lastParameter = null; for (List l = jcMethodDeclaration.parameters; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { JCVariableDeclaration param = lastParameter = l.head; parameters.append(Assert.checkNonNull(param.varSymbol)); } methodSymbol.parameters = parameters.toList(); // mark the method varargs, if necessary if (lastParameter != null && (lastParameter.modifiers.flags & Flags.VARARGS) != 0){ methodSymbol.flags_field |= Flags.VARARGS; } // method scope为什么要和class scope共享hashtable呢? localEnvironment.info.scope.leave(); // ?? if (check.checkUnique(jcMethodDeclaration.position(), methodSymbol, enclosingScope)) { enclosingScope.enter(methodSymbol); } annotateLater(jcMethodDeclaration.modifiers.annotations, localEnvironment, methodSymbol); if (jcMethodDeclaration.defaultValue != null){ // 对于注解定义类中定义的方法可以有default默认值 annotateDefaultValueLater(jcMethodDeclaration.defaultValue, localEnvironment, methodSymbol); } }