2018年-我的法国速写-mon croquis en france en 2018- my sketch in 2018 in france

法国巴黎-市政府厅附近罗马式教堂- l'église À hotle de ville de Paris-Rome churched in centre france

法国巴黎-法国朋友-马克的古董traction汽车-从埃菲尔铁塔到黄鹤楼 voiture de marc-Traction a Paris-Colletcion car of my french friend-Marc in Paris

法国巴黎-圣母教堂-notre dame de la prix à Ruel-malmasion-church in Paris

2018年-我的法国速写-mon croquis en france en 2018- my sketch in 2018 in france_第1张图片

法国巴黎-女神咖啡-café de Flore à Paris-flore coffee in Paris

法国巴黎-灯光博物馆- l’atelier de lumière à Paris-Museum of light

法国诺曼底-圣米歇尔修道院 mon saint michele à Normandie en france - churches of mon saint Michelle in Normandy

法国巴黎-la tour saint jacque à Paris - saint Jacque tower in Paris

法国巴黎-歌剧院-l’opéra grainer à Paris - opera in Paris

法国巴黎-歌剧院-l’opéra grainer à Paris -opera in Paris

法国阿尔卑斯山-法国朋友马克的traction古董汽车 traction de Marc dans l’Alps - French friend collection car in Alps

欧洲波兰-克拉科夫城堡 Kraków en Poland

法国阿尔卑斯山-法国朋友Magali家-chez Magalie dans l’Apls en france -french friend house in Alps

法国吉维尼-莫奈花园 le jardin de Monet Giverny en france- monet garden in Giverny in france

法国巴黎-圣杰尔曼教堂 l’eglise Saint-Bremen à Paris - Saint Bermen churche in Paris


2018年-我的法国速写-mon croquis en france en 2018- my sketch in 2018 in france_第2张图片

XiuJuan Gong, born in a Tea-business family in Enshi, Hubei. She graduated from art education department belong to academy of arts in Jianghan University.And her major is traditional Chinese painting.Her graduation work 《 Trapped》was kept in school till now. As a Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher from 2009, now her students are from WYIS, French International school, international academy from Jianghan University,Wuhan Business University, top management team,the  different consulates and some foreign experts 's family .As an internship in 2012, she worked for 798 art gallery, high--class clothing creation for Fuzang in Caochangdi International studio, Beijing. And also as the Chinese painting artist sailing with "Viking" from Wuhan to Chongqin . Congrats! She opened her own studio " Xiujuan's Calligraphy & Tea " in 2013. From 2015 to 2016, she was invited as local Wuhan artist by Alliance Franciase, attended "art--wine" culture exchange , and "Wuhan--Paris" international children's work show exhibition with French Consul general in Wuhan, and artists from Bordeaux-- Paris . Till 2016, she opened several public free sharing and exhibition in Wuwai Library and art gallery in Tanghu. During summer vacation in  2016 ,2017 and 2018,she was invited to have the Western art history course in Louvre, France. She was volunteer art teacher in Wuhan Yangtze international school .

2018年-我的法国速写-mon croquis en france en 2018- my sketch in 2018 in france_第3张图片

龚秀娟, 中国画书法老师,出生富硒茶之乡-恩施,家族从事茶叶经营,个人喜欢英语法语艺术文化交流旅行,绘画创作。Grace Gong , Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher , I was born in enshi et my family work on tea business . I focus on English , french art culturel exchange , communication traveling and art creation . Gong Xiujuan, professeur de calligraphie et de peinture Chinoise. Née dans la riche région de Enshi, au sein d'une exploitation familiale de thé.  Passionnée par l'art et la culture Anglaise et Française, par la communication et les voyages. Artiste peintre et créatrice.   

网站 -my website-mon site l’internet -https://www.gracegong-art.com


邮箱 Mon mail-my email : [email protected]

2018年-我的法国速写-mon croquis en france en 2018- my sketch in 2018 in france_第4张图片

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