18土1班5组小组作业精读1Text B U1–2

Unit  1

        TEXT B


1、obligate [英]['ɒblɪgeɪt] [美][ˈɑblɪˌɡet]

vt.使(在法律或道义上)负有责任或义务; 对…施以恩惠


2、dawn [dC:n]


vi.破晓, 开始现生

3、steer 英 [stɪə(r)] 美 [stɪr]

vi.驾驶; 操纵,控制; 引导


4、ultimately [英] [ˈʌltɪmətli] [美] [ˈʌltəmɪtli]

adv.最后; 最终; 根本; 基本上

例句:Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed


5、self-induced 英 式 [selfin'dju:sd] 美式  [selfin'dju:sd]


6、faculty [英] [ˈfakəlti]

[美] [ˈfækəlti]

n.全体教职工;天赋; 系; 特许证

7、dean [英] [diːn] [美] [din]

n.教长, 主任教师; 教务长, 系主任, 院长, 医学院院长

8、perceive [英] [pəˈsiːv]

[美] [pərˈsiv]

v.察觉;认识到; 理解; 把…看作

9、tension [英] [ˈtɛnʃən]

[美] [ˈtɛnʃən]

n.拉紧; 紧张

v.使拉紧; 使紧张


☞1.For those lucky few who can get financial help from their parents, money may not be a tough problem, but they will suffer from the pressure that comes from their parents.



☞2.They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt.



☞3.loans that he must start to repay within one year after graduation.


【分析】运用短语must to,after 在那之后

☞4.They go of to their labs as if they were going to the dentist.


【分析】as if如果,引导方式状语从句。

☞5.It saddens me because I know them in other corners of their life'as cheerful people.


【分析】saddens 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。because 为连词,引导原因状语从句。

☞6. It's not easy persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off.



☞7.Another part tells them that the expectations that are right for their parents the not right for them.


【分析】tell sb that+从句,宾语从句,that可以省略,引导宾语

☞8.Just like economic pressure, peer pressure and self-induced pressure are also closely interviewined , and they begin almost at the beginning of freshman year.


【分析】at the beginning of,这是个介词短语,是“在……开始”的意思,后面接名词或者名词短语。almost 为副词 应放在be、助动词、情态动词后,实意动词前.

☞9.I had freshman student I'll call Linda," one dean told me,"who come in and said she was under terrible pressure because her roommate , Bardara, was much brighter and studied all the time .I couldn't tell her that Bardara had come in two hours earlier to say the same thing about Linda."


【分析】who用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语。all the time可以用很多时态,关键是看用于何时,如用一般现在时,现在完成进行时,过去完成进行时等

☞10. When every student thinks every other student is working harder and doing better , the only solution is to study harder still.



☞11."Once you have twenty or thirty percent of the student population deliberately overexerting," one dean points out, "it's bad for everybody.


【分析】point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语.

☞12.They must be jolted into believing in themselves as unique men and women who have the power to shape their own future.


【结构】must be 1.表推测的用法,有“一定”的意思;2.表示必须的意思。


18土1班5组小组作业精读1Text B U1–2_第1张图片


Today four kinds of pressure working on college students:economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure. These pressures are closely intertwined which make students are trapped and torn. It's severe for students. Every college students all can't avoid them.However, there are some ways can help them to out of stuck.Such as the guidance of people around, professors, parents, and friends.But ultimately only by themselves can they break the circles.In other words, they must believe in themselves as unique men or women, instead of comparing with others. To become a person who have the power to shape their own future.

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