
Part 1 问题类型:家,住宅

positive:luxurious          modern  

             spacious         convenient(to public transport,shopping areas etc.)

negative:  dingy  昏暗的;肮脏的      in-need-of-repair   年久失修的

           dank    潮湿的;阴湿的    shabby           破旧的;破烂不堪的

Q:Is there anything on the walls ofyour home?

       There's a lot of photography on my walls.For example, I have some framed photos of some famous celebrities. Some of themhave been autographed!

tapestry     壁毯;织棉          mural   壁画

Chinesecalligraphy   书法

    Sure,there are a great number of objects. For example, there's a large tapestry and a mural. Also, there's some Chinese calligraphy which has been handed down through generations.

Part 1 问题类型:爱好,最爱

Q:Do people in your country like___?  / Do children like____? / Do different peoplelike different (things)?

 固定表达A:different strokes for differentfolks    萝卜白菜,各有所爱

       I think it's a case of different strokesfor different folks. Some (people/children/men/women etc.) are fond of (onething), whereas others prefer (another).

Q: Do children like outdoor activities?

A:  I think it's a case of different strokes for different folks. Some children are fond of outdoor pursuits, such as track and field sports, whereas others prefer sedentary activities like playing computer games.

固定表达B:as different as night and day    截然不同,天壤之别

                     as different as chalk andcheese

Q:Do people in your country like the same food?

A: I think some people are as different as night and day. On one hand some people prefer traditional food such as rice and noodles, whereas others are into ethnic cuisine, like tacos炸玉米饼—which are from Mexico—and curry咖喱, which of course is famous in India.

固定表达C:(to have)a pet peeve (有)不悦

Q:Is there anything you dislikeabout shopping?

A:  Actually my pet peeve is when I'm lined up to pay and people jump the queue!

Q:What was your favorite ____ when you were a child? / Did you like to (do sth.)when you were a child?


Q:What was your favorite T.V.program when you were a child?

A:  Well, when I was an infant I really enjoyed Teletubbies天线宝宝. When I was a toddler my favorite was Sesame Street芝麻街, and then----as I grew older—I started to watch sit-coms情景剧and action shows动作剧. In my adolescence my favorites were reality shows and some local dramas.

Part 1 问题类型:过去的事


Fixed expression A: take a trip down memory lane----顺着记忆向前回顾;回忆一下往事



Fixedexpression B:   if memory serves….    如果我没记错的话……

     If memory serves, the first time I ever went to a museum was when I was in elementary school, grade…

Fixed expression C:  a memory like an elephant    记忆力很好

       That's easy! I have a memory like an elephant! It's still fresh in my mind! My first visit to a museum was when….

Q:When was the last time you (did sth.)?

Fixed Expression A:  just the other…..   只是……   仅…….

Q:When was the last time you went shopping?

A:Oh, I went shopping just the other day! There was a sale on at the mall so I picked up a bunch of bargains at rock bottom price!

Fixed expression B: a month of Sundays    很久;很长时间

       It's hard to remember! To tell the truth,I haven't been shopping in a month of Sundays because I've been too busy withmy studies!

Q:Have you ever (done sth.)? / How many times have you (done sth.)?

Fixed expression: a pipedream    白日梦;黄粱美梦

Q:Have you ever traveled in a plane?

A:  No, I haven't. To be honest, it's kind of a pipedream. I haven't ever been outside my hometown yet!

Part 1 问题类型: the future

Q:In the future, do you think you will be (doing this) more or less?

Fixed expression A: (only) time will tell

              Hmm, (only) time will tell. It's a little hard to say I will or won't (do that/be doing that) at this point in time. I suppose I'll have to wait and see….

Fixed expression B: in store  储备着;准备着;将来要

       Who knows what (I/we) have in store! I suppose (I'll/we'll) have to wait and see….

Part 1 问题类型:choices

Would you prefer "A" or "B"?

Fixed expression A:  the best of both worlds---两者都好;两全其美

Q:Would you prefer to work from home or in an office?

A:Ideally, I'd like the best of both worlds. Meaning, on certain days I could stay home and get things done by telecommuting远程.On other days I would go into the office to get some practical work done.

Fixed expression B: it's as broad as it's long 没有区别;两者一样

Q:Would you prefer to travel a broad or in your own country?

A:  Actually, it makes little difference to me…It's as broad as it's long! Either option would be fine if it meant some time off work!

Fixed expression C: the soft option  轻松的选择;较为方便的出路

Q:Would you prefer to travel alone or with a group?

A:You know, even though I like travelling solo, I'd probably choose the soft option and travel with a group. In a group everything is taken care of for you, and you don't have to worry so much about getting lost, or being hoodwinked欺骗!

Fixed expression D: (to be) in two minds (about something)  犹豫不定;拿不定主意;三心二意

Q:Would you prefer the same climateyear-round or different seasons?

A:Wow, I'm in two minds about that! On one hand if the weather was temperate all year I wouldn't catch colds or feel under the weather so much. That said, I quite enjoy all the paraphernalia that comes with changing seasons!

Part 1 问题类型: differences

What are the differences between "A" and "B"?

Fixed expression:  like two peas in a pod一模一样;十分相似

Q:What are the differences between the type of magazines men and women read?

A:Although I suppose most women like fashion magazines and men prefer reading about sports, I think they're probably like two peas in a pod when it comes to enjoying magazines about celebrities and current affairs.

Part 1 问题类型: benefits

What(do you think) are the benefits of__?

 Fixed expression: (sth. is) not to be sneezed at  (某事或某物)是不该被轻视的

Q:What are the benefits of playingsport?

A:  Well, I think the benefits aren't to be sneezed at! There are so many merits it's hard to do justice to all of them!Firstly…

---------From book " 543 Native Expressions that IELTS Examiners Love"
