commence|开始,着手 #每日一词#

  • After this period (i.e., 70 days), the temperature regime in the germination cabinet was changed to follow that recommended by the ISTA and germination commenced after five days for the majority of the clones (i.e., four days sooner than that observed for the previous test). (El-Kassaby, 1999)
  • Each of these growth models has a common feature that the development of ontogenetic trajectory is regulated by a set of "control parameters" such as onset age of growth, offset signal for growth, growth rate during the period of growth, and initial size at the commencement of the growth period. (Ma, Casella, Wu, 2002)
  • Thus, in forest trees, we suggest that quantitative genetic studies involving interactions among conspecifics commence with the identification of the neighbors contributing most to indirect effects. (Costa e Silva et al., 2017)

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