517幼儿园发布会Hercules 讲座流程

17th,May,2018Thursday evening

1. 主持人开场,吩咐在场老师派发纸笔,家长写上想咨询的问题,会在园长分享结束后抽问题回答。(5分钟,19:00-19:05)

our host Queeny to present tonight 's mainly procedures and to introduce Our Principal of the Bosskids Kindergarten Hercules to do the lecture tonight.To introduce about Hercules Resume in general in Chinese.

2. 外籍园长分享(40分钟,19:05-19:45)

Hercules Speech

3.Director Fiona to make a summary of our Kindergarten and may it a good future of the Kindergarten!何校长简介幼儿园办学总体思路与规划。(19:45---20:10)

4. 现场问答环节,抽3-5个家长写在纸上的问题回答,现场再抽举手提问的家长3个。(20:10---20:20)

Questions and answers from the parents and the lectures.

5. 大合照(20:20--20:25)

Big family photo together

The above time schedule may be the maximum of each procedure.

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