C2. AIDA File Tool-3

Edit  Comment(编辑注释) 通过单击“Edit(编辑)”下拉菜单中的“Comment(注释)”,将出现如图C2.1.1所示的注释对话框。 R/W R/W
Time Series  Open Past Data File(时间序列打开历史数据文件) 通过单击“Time Series(时间序列)”下拉菜单中的“Open Past Data File(打开历史数据文件)”,将出现如图C2.1.1所示的数据文件窗口。 R/W R/W
Time Series  Display Data(时间序列显示数据) 通过单击“Time Series(时间序列)”下拉菜单中的“Display Data File(显示数据文件)”,将显示如图C2.1.1所示的显示数据窗口。 R/W R/W
Help  About AIDAFile Gen(帮助关于AIDAFile Gen) 通过单击“help(帮助)”下拉菜单中的 “About AIDAFile Gen”,将出现如图C2.1.1所示的版本菜单。 R/W R/W

 操作说明


从“File(文件)”的下拉菜单中,选择一个位号定义文件和数据文件,如Create New Definition File(创建新定义文件),Open Definition File(打开定义文件),Save Definition File(保存定义文件)和Save Definition File As(保存定义文件为)...当显示文件时,选择文件路径。 当覆盖现有文件时,将显示配置对话框。

C2. AIDA File Tool-3_第1张图片
Fig. C 2.2 File Pull Dow Menu 图C 2.2文件下拉菜单

通过单击“...”按钮或“Save AIDA Data file as…(将AIDA数据文件另存为...)”,显示屏上将出现一个对话框窗口。用户可以指定文件夹和文件名以保存此窗口上数据。默认路径为“\ EXA \ User \ Data \ AIDA.tag”。此对话框窗口的操作与标准MS Office应用程序(Word,Excel等)相同。
打开定义文件时,面板将使用“OPC Sever”对话框连接到指定的OPC服务器。


在“File(文件)”下拉菜单中,选择Open Data File(打开数据文件)。数据文件用于存储采集数据。选择现有文件时,将覆盖该文件。默认路径为“¥EXA¥User¥Data¥AIDA.dat”。


在“Edit(编辑)”菜单的“OPC server dialog (OPC服务器对话框)”中,指定计算机名称,并选择要使用的DA OPC服务器和HDA OPC服务器的ProgID。可选择的OPC服务器列表显示在下拉菜单上。


Edit  Comment By clicking “Comment” from “Edit “ pull down menu, Comment dialog will appear as shown in Figure C2.1.1 R/W R/W
Time Series  Open Past Data File By clicking “Open Past Data File” from the “Time Series “ pull down menu, Data file window will appear as shown in Figure C2.1.1 R/W R/W
Time Series  Display Data By clicking “Display Data File” from the “Time Series “ pull down menu, Display data window will appear as shown in Figure C2.1.1 R/W R/W
Help  About AIDAFile Gen By clicking “About AIDAFile Gen from “help” pull down menu, Version menu will appear as shown in Figure C2.1.1. R/W R/W

 Description of Operation

Specify the Definition file

From the pull down menu of “File”, select a tag definition file and data file such as Create New Definition File, Open Definition File, Save Definition File and Save Definition File As… When a file is displayed, select the file path. When overwrite the existing file, the conformation dialog will be displayed.
By clicking the “…” button or “Save AIDA Data file as…”, a dialog window appears on the display. User can specify a folder and a file name to save data on this window. Default path is “\EXA\User\Data\AIDA.tag”. The operation of this dialog window is the same as standard MS office applications (Word, Excel, etc).
When opening the definition file, the panel is connected to the OPC server specified using “OPC Sever” dialog.

Specify the Data File

From the pull down menu of “File”, select Open Data File. Data file is used to store the acquisition data. When the existing file is selected, the file is overwritten. Default path is “¥EXA¥User¥Data¥AIDA.dat”.

Edit OPC Server

From “OPC server dialog” of “Edit” menu, specify the Computer name and select ProgID of the DA OPC server and HDA OPC server to be used. Selectable OPC server list is displayed on the pull down menu.
Computer name is a PC name on which Exaopc runs. If this tool is on the same PC with Exaopc, this field can be blank. Default value is blank.


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