drop table t1 purge; drop table t2 purge; drop table t3 purge; drop table t4 purge; drop table t5 purge; drop table t6 purge; drop table t7 purge; create table t1 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=1; create table t2 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=10; create table t3 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=100; create table t4 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=1000; create table t5 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=10000; create table t6 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=100000; create table t7 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=1000000; create index idx_id_t1 on t1(id); create index idx_id_t2 on t2(id); create index idx_id_t3 on t3(id); create index idx_id_t4 on t4(id); create index idx_id_t5 on t5(id); create index idx_id_t6 on t6(id); create index idx_id_t7 on t7(id); set linesize 1000 set autotrace off select index_name, blevel, leaf_blocks, num_rows, distinct_keys, clustering_factor from user_ind_statistics where table_name in( 'T1','T2','T3','T4','T5','T6','T7'); INDEX_NAME BLEVEL LEAF_BLOCKS NUM_ROWS DISTINCT_KEYS CLUSTERING_FACTOR ------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- IDX_ID_T1 0 1 1 1 1 IDX_ID_T2 0 1 10 10 2 IDX_ID_T3 0 1 100 100 15 IDX_ID_T4 1 3 1000 1000 143 IDX_ID_T5 1 21 10000 10000 1429 IDX_ID_T6 1 222 100000 100000 14286 IDX_ID_T7 2 2226 1000000 1000000 142858
drop table t1 purge; drop table t2 purge; drop table t3 purge; drop table t4 purge; drop table t5 purge; drop table t6 purge; drop table t7 purge; create table t1 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=1; create table t2 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=10; create table t3 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=100; create table t4 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=1000; create table t5 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=10000; create table t6 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=100000; create table t7 as select rownum as id ,rownum+1 as id2,rpad('*',1000,'*') as contents from dual connect by level<=1000000; create index idx_id_t1 on t1(id); create index idx_id_t2 on t2(id); create index idx_id_t3 on t3(id); create index idx_id_t4 on t4(id); create index idx_id_t5 on t5(id); create index idx_id_t6 on t6(id); create index idx_id_t7 on t7(id); set linesize 1000 select index_name, blevel, leaf_blocks, num_rows, distinct_keys, clustering_factor from user_ind_statistics where table_name in( 'T1','T2','T3','T4','T5','T6','T7'); INDEX_NAME BLEVEL LEAF_BLOCKS NUM_ROWS DISTINCT_KEYS CLUSTERING_FACTOR ------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- IDX_ID_T1 0 1 1 1 1 IDX_ID_T2 0 1 10 10 2 IDX_ID_T3 0 1 100 100 15 IDX_ID_T4 1 3 1000 1000 143 IDX_ID_T5 1 21 10000 10000 1429 IDX_ID_T6 1 222 100000 100000 14286 IDX_ID_T7 2 2226 1000000 1000000 142858 set autotrace traceonly statistics set linesize 1000 --以下注意观察逻辑读的次数,另外注意尽量每条语句执行2遍以上,观察第2遍的结果。 select * from t1 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 2 consistent gets select /*+full(t1)*/ * from t1 where id=1; 统计信息 ------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 3 consistent gets select * from t2 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 3 consistent gets select /*+full(t2)*/ * from t2 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 5 consistent gets select * from t3 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 3 consistent gets select /*+full(t3)*/ * from t3 where id=1; 统计信息 ---------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 19 consistent gets select * from t4 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 4 consistent gets select /*+full(t4)*/ * from t4 where id=1; 统计信息 ---------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 148 consistent gets select * from t5 where id=1; 统计信息 ------------------------------ 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 4 consistent gets select /*+full(t5)*/ * from t5 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1435 consistent gets select * from t6 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 4 consistent gets select /*+full(t6)*/ * from t6 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 14298 consistent gets select * from t7 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 5 consistent gets select /*+full(t7)*/ * from t7 where id=1; 统计信息 ----------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 142866 consistent gets /* 规律: 从t1到t7(表记录依次增大10倍,从1到1000000),索引读的逻辑读是 2,3,3,4,4,4,5 从t1到t7(表记录依次增大10倍,从1到1000000)全表扫描的逻辑读是 3,5,19,148,1435,14298,142866 full(表)的目的是 括号里的表将会使用全表扫描 */
--要领:只要索引能回答问题,索引就可以当成一个"瘦表",访问路径就会减少。另外切记不存储空值 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; update t set object_id=rownum; commit; create index idx1_object_id on t(object_id); set autotrace on select count(*) from t; 执行计划 ------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 69485 | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | ------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1048 consistent gets --为啥用不到索引,因为索引不能存储空值,所以加上一个is not null,再试验看看 select count(*) from t where object_id is not null; 执行计划 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 50 (2)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | |* 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 69485 | 882K| 50 (2)| 00:00:01 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 170 consistent gets --也可以不加is not null,直接把列的属性设置为not null,也成,继续试验如下: alter table t modify OBJECT_ID not null; select count(*) from t; 执行计划 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost (%CPU)| Time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | | | | 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 69485 | 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 170 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 425 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 416 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed --如果是主键就无需定义列是否允许为空了。 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; update t set object_id=rownum; alter table t add constraint pk1_object_id primary key (OBJECT_ID); set autotrace on select count(*) from t; 执行计划 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 46 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | | | | 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| PK1_OBJECT_ID | 69485 | 46 (0)| 00:00:01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 160 consistent gets
索引特性之存列值优化sum avg:
SUM/AVG的优化 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; create index idx1_object_id on t(object_id); set autotrace on set linesize 1000 set timing on select sum(object_id) from t; 执行计划 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 92407 | 1173K| 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 170 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 432 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed --比较一下假如不走索引的代价,体会一下这个索引的重要性 select /*+full(t)*/ sum(object_id) from t; SUM(OBJECT_ID) -------------- 2732093100 执行计划 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 92407 | 1173K| 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1047 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 432 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed --起来类似的比如AVG,和SUM是一样的,如下: select avg(object_id) from t; AVG(OBJECT_ID) -------------- 37365.5338 执行计划 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 92407 | 1173K| 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 170 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 448 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed --不知大家注意到没,这里的试验已经告诉我们了,OBJECT_ID列是否为空,也不影响SUM/AVG等聚合的结果。
索引特性之有序优化order by:(索引 本身就排序了)
--索引与排序 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects ; set autotrace traceonly --oracle还算智能,不会傻到这里都去排序,做了查询转换,忽略了这个排序 select count(*) from t order by object_id; ---以下语句说明排序 set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; --以下语句没有索引又有order by ,必然产生排序 select * from t where object_id>2 order by object_id; 执行计划 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 92407 | 18M| | 4454 (1)| 00:00:54 | | 1 | SORT ORDER BY | | 92407 | 18M| 21M| 4454 (1)| 00:00:54 | |* 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 92407 | 18M| | 294 (2)| 00:00:04 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1047 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 3513923 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 54029 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 4876 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 73117 rows processed ---新增索引后,Oracle就有可能利用索引本身就有序的特点,利用索引来避免排序,如下: create index idx_t_object_id on t(object_id); set autotrace traceonly select * from t where object_id>2 order by object_id; 执行计划 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 92407 | 18M| 1302 (1)| 00:00:16 | | 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T | 92407 | 18M| 1302 (1)| 00:00:16 | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX_T_OBJECT_ID | 92407 | | 177 (1)| 00:00:03 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 10952 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 8115221 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 54029 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 4876 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 73117 rows processed --如下情况Oracle肯定毫不犹豫的选择用索引,因为回表取消了 ! select object_id from t where object_id>2 order by object_id; 执行计划 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 92407 | 1173K| 177 (1)| 00:00:03 | |* 1 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| IDX_T_OBJECT_ID | 92407 | 1173K| 177 (1)| 00:00:03 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 5027 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 1062289 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 54029 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 4876 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 73117 rows processed --另外,如果是如下语句,Oracle打死也不用索引了。 select object_id from t where object_id>2;
--MAX/MIN 的索引优化 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; update t set object_id=rownum; alter table t add constraint pk_object_id primary key (OBJECT_ID); set autotrace on set linesize 1000 select max(object_id) from t; 执行计划 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX)| PK_OBJECT_ID | 1 | 13 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 2 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 431 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed --最小值试验就无需展现执行计划结果了,必然和最大值的执行计划一样! select min(object_id) from t; --如果没用到索引的情况是如下,请看看执行计划有何不同,请看看代价和逻辑读的差异! select /*+full(t)*/ max(object_id) from t; 执行计划 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 92407 | 1173K| 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1047 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 431 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed ---另外,可以做如下试验观察在有索引的情况下,随这记录数增加,性能差异是否明显? set autotrace off drop table t_max purge; create table t_max as select * from dba_objects; insert into t_max select * from t_max; insert into t_max select * from t_max; insert into t_max select * from t_max; insert into t_max select * from t_max; insert into t_max select * from t_max; select count(*) from t_max; create index idx_t_max_obj on t_max(object_id); set autotrace on select max(object_id) from t_max; 执行计划 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX)| IDX_T_MAX_OBJ | 1 | 13 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 3 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 431 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed /* object_id如果允许为空,加个索引后,会走INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX)高效算法吗, 当然会了!取最大最小还怕啥空值? */ drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects ; create index idx_object_id on t(object_id); set autotrace on set linesize 1000 select max(object_id) from t;
--DISTINCT测试前的准备 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; update t set object_id=rownum; alter table T modify OBJECT_ID not null; update t set object_id=2; update t set object_id=3 where rownum<=25000; commit; /* 在oracle10g的R2环境之后,DISTINCT由于其 HASH UNIQUE的算法导致其不会产生排序,其调整的 ALTER SESSION SET "_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled" = FALSE */ set linesize 1000 set autotrace traceonly select distinct object_id from t ; 执行计划 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 88780 | 1127K| | 717 (1)| 00:00:09 | | 1 | HASH UNIQUE | | 88780 | 1127K| 1752K| 717 (1)| 00:00:09 | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 88780 | 1127K| | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1047 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 462 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 416 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 2 rows processed /*不过虽然没有排序,通过观察TempSpc可知distinct消耗PGA内存进行HASH UNIQUE运算, 接下来看看建了索引后的情况,TempSpc关键字立即消失,COST也立即下降许多,具体如下*/ --为T表的object_id列建索引 create index idx_t_object_id on t(object_id); set linesize 1000 set autotrace traceonly select /*+index(t)*/ distinct object_id from t ; 执行计划 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 88780 | 1127K| 582 (1)| 00:00:07 | | 1 | SORT UNIQUE NOSORT| | 88780 | 1127K| 582 (1)| 00:00:07 | | 2 | INDEX FULL SCAN | IDX_T_OBJECT_ID | 88780 | 1127K| 158 (1)| 00:00:02 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 145 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 462 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 416 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 2 rows processed
----UNION 是需要排序的 drop table t1 purge; create table t1 as select * from dba_objects where object_id is not null; alter table t1 modify OBJECT_ID not null; drop table t2 purge; create table t2 as select * from dba_objects where object_id is not null; alter table t2 modify OBJECT_ID not null; set linesize 1000 set autotrace traceonly select object_id from t1 union select object_id from t2; 执行计划 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 136K| 1732K| | 1241 (55)| 00:00:15 | | 1 | SORT UNIQUE | | 136K| 1732K| 2705K| 1241 (55)| 00:00:15 | | 2 | UNION-ALL | | | | | | | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1 | 57994 | 736K| | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | | 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T2 | 78456 | 996K| | 292 (1)| 00:00:04 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 2094 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 1062305 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 54029 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 4876 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 73120 rows processed --发现索引无法消除UNION 排序(INDEX FAST FULL SCAN) create index idx_t1_object_id on t1(object_id); create index idx_t2_object_id on t2(object_id); set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 select object_id from t1 union select object_id from t2; 执行计划 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 136K| 1732K| | 755 (57)| 00:00:10 | | 1 | SORT UNIQUE | | 136K| 1732K| 2705K| 755 (57)| 00:00:10 | | 2 | UNION-ALL | | | | | | | | 3 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX_T1_OBJECT_ID | 57994 | 736K| | 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 4 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX_T2_OBJECT_ID | 78456 | 996K| | 49 (0)| 00:00:01 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 340 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 1062305 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 54029 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 4876 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 73120 rows processed --INDEX FULL SCAN的索引依然无法消除UNION排序 select /*+index(t1)*/ object_id from t1 union select /*+index(t2)*/ object_id from t2; 执行计划 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 136K| 1732K| | 1010 (56)| 00:00:13 | | 1 | SORT UNIQUE | | 136K| 1732K| 2705K| 1010 (56)| 00:00:13 | | 2 | UNION-ALL | | | | | | | | 3 | INDEX FULL SCAN| IDX_T1_OBJECT_ID | 57994 | 736K| | 177 (1)| 00:00:03 | | 4 | INDEX FULL SCAN| IDX_T2_OBJECT_ID | 78456 | 996K| | 177 (1)| 00:00:03 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 326 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 1062305 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 54029 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 4876 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 73120 rows processed --结论:索引无法消除UNION 排序,一般来说在使用UNION时要确定必要性,在数据不会重复时只需UNION ALL即可。
--索引回表读(TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID)的例子 drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; create index idx1_object_id on t(object_id); --试验1 set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 set timing on select * from t where object_id<=5; 执行计划 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 4 | 828 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T | 4 | 828 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 4 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 5 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 1666 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 4 rows processed --比较消除TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID回表后的性能,将select * from改为select object_id from set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 set timing on select object_id from t where object_id<=5; 执行计划 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 4 | 52 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 4 | 52 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 3 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 478 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 4 rows processed --试验2:通过构造联合索引,再观察一个消除TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID的例子 set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 select object_id,object_name from t where object_id<=5; 执行计划 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 4 | 316 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T | 4 | 316 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX1_OBJECT_ID | 4 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 5 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 567 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 4 rows processed --准备工作,对t表建联合索引 create index idx_un_objid_objname on t(object_id,object_name); --该联合索引建完后,产生功效了!消除了TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID select object_id,object_name from t where object_id<=5; 执行计划 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 12 | 948 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| IDX_UN_OBJID_OBJNAME | 12 | 948 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 统计信息 ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 3 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 567 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 415 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 4 rows processed
--colocated表根据x列有一定的物理顺序 drop table colocated purge; create table colocated ( x int, y varchar2(80) ); begin for i in 1 .. 100000 loop insert into colocated(x,y) values (i, rpad(dbms_random.random,75,'*') ); end loop; end; / alter table colocated add constraint colocated_pk primary key(x); begin dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( user, 'COLOCATED', cascade=>true ); end; / --disorganized 表数据根据x列完全无序 drop table disorganized purge; create table disorganized as select x,y from colocated order by y; alter table disorganized add constraint disorganized_pk primary key (x); begin dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( user, 'DISORGANIZED', cascade=>true ); end; / set autotrace off alter session set statistics_level=all; set linesize 1000 ---两者性能差异显著 select /*+ index( colocated colocated_pk ) */ * from colocated where x between 20000 and 40000; SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(NULL,NULL,'runstats_last')); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 20001 |00:00:00.05 | 2900 | | 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| COLOCATED | 1 | 20002 | 20001 |00:00:00.05 | 2900 | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | COLOCATED_PK | 1 | 20002 | 20001 |00:00:00.03 | 1375 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ select /*+ index( disorganized disorganized_pk ) */* from disorganized where x between 20000 and 40000; SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(NULL,NULL,'runstats_last')); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 20001 |00:00:00.09 | 21360 | | 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| DISORGANIZED | 1 | 20002 | 20001 |00:00:00.09 | 21360 | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | DISORGANIZED_PK | 1 | 20002 | 20001 |00:00:00.03 | 1375 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---看聚合因子,就明白真正的原因了。 select a.index_name, b.num_rows, b.blocks, a.clustering_factor from user_indexes a, user_tables b where index_name in ('COLOCATED_PK', 'DISORGANIZED_PK' ) and a.table_name = b.table_name; INDEX_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS CLUSTERING_FACTOR ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- COLOCATED_PK 100000 1252 1190 DISORGANIZED_PK 100000 1219 99899