


     复习核聚英语日志:11月5日10:40-15:00用时4小时40分钟,比昨天延后40分钟(中间还是有没有注意力集中的时候,时而有分神的时候),完成23篇文章231句默写。对比原文发现错误:44处,比昨天减少10处错误(错误在逐渐减少,说明这壶水在逐渐升温,Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft)。主要错误:1、句子遗漏,共发现五处,比如:第十三篇《Lay this brick perfectly》中第一句遗漏:in the front of his business 正确的句子是One summer his dad tore down a brick wall in the front of his business and told twelve year old Will and his nine year old brother to rebuild it.第一十四篇《Do what you need to do》中第四句整句忘记:Greatness is not the wonderful esoteric elusive God-like feature that only special people possess.(和昨天犯的错误是一样的,虽然昨天通过“连坐”处罚,把这句话以及前后相邻两句话连写25遍,还是没有记住,那好吧,再处以双倍“连坐”处罚,如果还不长记性,那就double it and get twice.直到把它down load my brain 为止。第十七篇《super hard》中第九句遗忘seven days a week all the time.正确的句子是The website was up during the day and I was coding at night seven days a week all the time。第十九篇《I always knew I was going to be rich》中第三句整句遗忘Einstein is reputed to have said that:Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world or something like that。第二十篇《Compound interest》第七句遗漏to work with正确的句子是But I liked the idea of having a little more than a nickel a week to work with.2、单词拼写错误,共发现五处(比昨天多一处)比如:把genius 错误写成了gneiss、holes错误写成了roles、concept错误写成了conpect、especially写成了热 specially、actually错误写成了acturally。3、缺少或错误使用定冠词或不定冠词或其他词,这类问题共发现:29处,比昨天有所改观,说明对句子的熟悉程度有所加强。4、词或短语顺序颠倒或错误替换,这类问题共发现5处,比如第十八篇《Think different》第十三句:while错误换成when,may错误换成who,正确的句子是And while some may see them as the crazy ones we see Genius、再比如第二十二篇《Change mindset change brain 》中第三句我把every错写成了all正确的句子:In one study We taught them that every time they push out of their comfort zone to learn something new and difficult the neurons in their brain can form new stronger connections and over time they can get smarter.

安吉拉·李·达科沃斯在《Grit is the key to success》中说Grit is sticking with your future day in day out not just for the week not just for the month but for years and working really hard to make that future a reality.成长需要持之以恒,这不是仅仅说说而已,需要一个小目标一个小目标确立然后攻克,也不是脑瓜子一热心潮澎湃三分钟热度,来的快去的也快。这些往往都是以往失败的经验教训,熟练掌握一门技能,比如英语,Only develop by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft.以前,父母也好、老师也好都苦口婆心的劝说过做事要立长志不要常立志。可从来没有真正理解过,包括上高中在万马千军过独木桥时也仅仅停留在死读书、读死书的层面上,侥幸考上了大学,都不知道是运用什么方法考上的,反正是小鹿乱撞、瞎猫捉了个死耗子。反思只停留在表面,因为根本就没有把学习当成是终身矢志不渝的事情,更谈不上learn the method of learning.现在琢磨真是细思极恐啊,自己浑浑噩噩四十年,愧对天地、愧对父母、愧对自己。记得以前经常张口必言努力、毅力,可从来就没有深究什么才是study work really hard ,因为从来就没有体会到so I work hard like at every waking hour.今天在完成对核聚老师精心挑选的23篇文章231句话上万次的抄写、几万次的默读后才真正体会到super hard 有多么难,而且这才只是一个月,也仅仅只学了231个句子。我已经走过了人生480个月了,It's practice it's training and experimenting.以前对人生抒发了太多的感慨了,其实除了得到一点安慰外毫无用处,唯有勇猛精进才是正道!

即使自己主观认定比较重要的事情还是低速到自己都无法容忍的地步(其实还是容忍了)。如果没有参加此次活动,我还处于自我感觉良好的状态,不由得让我想起自己好似温水里的青蛙,还很享受的泡在逐渐升温的水中而不自知。核聚老师说过世界是残酷的,我们要拿出战斗的心态去面对我们所生存的周遭世界。史泰龙也说过:The world is not all sunshine and rainbows.

It is a very mean and nasty place.

在国企一呆就是快二十年的我,俨然已经被体制化了。在强者自救、圣者渡人这篇文章中,我感触最深,Enough time passes you depend on them It's institutionlized.get busy living or get busy dying?真切感受到自己要决定自己的命运了,For just one changce.需要的就是:Sticking with my future day in day out and working really hard to make that future a reality. 做到 super hard

怎样才能把这231句英语句子down load my brain .反复练习必不可少(运用一万次法则),同时我觉得还要融会贯通,举一反三,把231句话让其产生关联,形成231万句话,并反复使用,在此范围内及所不用其极(这又是一个法则:指数法则),犹如细菌繁殖一样,呈现指数增长、爆发式增长。最终达到掌握这门语言的目的。还有,通过学习英语运用的这个方法还能移植到其他能力训练上去,比如投资、写作等等。结果就是多维度打造自己的核心竞争能力,让自己跃迁式成长!


