如何Reset User Profile Sync Database?

net stop sptimerv4
Get-SPDatabase  // find sync db id.

$syncdb=Get-SPDatabase -Id

Get-SPServiceApplication // find UPS SA id.
$upa=Get-SPServiceApplication -Id
$syncdb.Provision( )

net start sptimerv4


另一份脚本, 列在这里供参考.

$db = Get-SPDatabase | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Sync DB"}

$syncdb=Get-SPDatabase -Id $db.Id



$sa = Get-SPServiceApplication | where-object {$_.DisplayName -eq "User Profile Service"}

$upa=Get-SPServiceApplication -Id $sa.Id






<<Profile synchronization guide for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010>>

本书的Maintain Profile Synchronization的部分有很多实用的步骤.

Maintain profile synchronization (SharePoint Server 2010)    68

Task requirements    68
Procedures in this article    69
Rename users or change user domains    69
Exclude users whose accounts have been disabled    70
Remove obsolete users and groups    70
Maintain profile schema changes    72
Rename a profile synchronization server    72
Move the User Profile Synchronization service to a new server    72
Reset profile synchronization    73
Restrict profile synchronization communication to a specific domain controller    75
Adjust profile synchronization time-outs    76


