1. 输入30个数到一个5行6列数组,经排序后该数组各元素值按行从小到大排列,并显示该二维数组。要求:不能把次二维数组转存到一位数组中。
1 //输入二维数组时,以行为单位,每行各个元素之间以空格隔开 2 #include <stdio.h> 3 4 #define row 5 5 #define col 6 6 7 int main() { 8 int array[row][col], i=0, j=0, a, b, swap; 9 printf("please enter your %d*%d array: \n", row, col); 10 while(i < row){ 11 //no newline after %d sequence 12 scanf("%d %d %d %d %d %d", 13 &array[i][0], &array[i][1], &array[i][2], &array[i][3], &array[i][4], &array[i][5]); 14 i++; 15 } 16 17 printf("\nhere is your input: \n"); 18 for(i = 0; i < row; i++){ 19 for(j = 0; j < col; j++){ 20 printf("%d ", array[i][j]); 21 } 22 printf("\n"); 23 } 24 25 for(i=0;i<row;i++){ 26 for(j=0;j<col;j++) { 27 for(a=i;a<row;a++) { 28 if(a == i) 29 b = j + 1; 30 else 31 b = 0; 32 for(;b<col;b++) { 33 if(array[i][j] > array[a][b]) { 34 swap = array[i][j]; 35 array[i][j]=array[a][b]; 36 array[a][b]=swap; 37 } 38 } 39 } 40 } 41 } 42 43 printf("\nafter sorting:\n"); 44 for(i = 0; i < row; i++){ 45 for(j = 0; j < col; j++){ 46 printf("%d ", array[i][j]); 47 } 48 printf("\n"); 49 } 50 return 0; 51 }
2. 有n个人围成一圈,顺序编号。从第一个人开始报数(从1到3报数),凡报到3的人退出圈子,问最后留下的是原来的第几号的那位。
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 3 #define nmax 50 4 5 6 int main() 7 { 8 int i,k,m,n,num[nmax],*p; 9 printf("please input the total of numbers: "); 10 scanf("%d",&n); 11 while(n > nmax){ 12 printf("your input is too big, please choose a figure less than 50: "); 13 scanf("%d",&n); 14 } 15 p=num; 16 for(i=0;i<n;i++) 17 *(p+i)=i+1; 18 i=0; 19 k=0; 20 m=0; 21 while(m < n-1){ 22 if(*(p+i)!=0) 23 k++; 24 if(k==3){ 25 *(p+i)=0; 26 k=0; 27 m++; 28 } 29 i++; 30 if(i==n) //从头开始循环 31 i=0; 32 } 33 while(*p==0) p++; 34 printf("%d is left\n",*p); 35 }
3. 将A·B·C·D·E·F这六个变量排成如图所示的三角形,这六个变量分别取【1,6】上的整数,且均不相同。求使三角形三条边上的变量之和相等的全部解。如图就是一个解。
3 5
6 1 4
//以每行输出顺时针(或逆时针)构造三角形,其三个边之和相等 #include <stdio.h> #define SIDE_N 3 #define LENGTH 3 #define VARIABLES 6 int A,B,C,D,E,F; int *pt[]={&A,&B,&C,&D,&E,&F}; int *side[SIDE_N][LENGTH]={&A,&B,&C,&C,&D,&E,&E,&F,&A}; int side_total[SIDE_N]; int main(){ int i,j,t,equal; for(j = 0; j < VARIABLES; j++) *pt[j]=j+1; while(1){ for (i = 0;i < SIDE_N; i++){ for (t = j = 0; j < LENGTH; j++) t += *side[i][j]; side_total[i]=t; } for (equal = 1, i = 0; equal && i < SIDE_N-1; i++) if (side_total[i] != side_total[i+1]) equal=0; if (equal){ for (i = 0; i < VARIABLES; i++) printf("%2d",*pt[i]); printf("\n"); } for(j = VARIABLES-1; j > 0; j--) if (*pt[j] > *pt[j-1]) break; if(j == 0) break; for(i = VARIABLES-1; i >= j; i--) if (*pt[i] > *pt[j-1]) break; t=*pt[j-1]; *pt[j-1] = *pt[i]; *pt[i] = t; for(i = VARIABLES-1; i > j; i--,j++){ t = *pt[j]; *pt[j] = *pt[i]; *pt[i] = t; } } }
4. 编程实现若干个多项式相乘。多项式的输入输出格式为:系数在前,指数在后,各项按指数递增排列,每个多项式输入时以两个0结束。系数为0的项不输出。
1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<stdlib.h> 3 #include<malloc.h> 4 5 typedef struct Polynode 6 { 7 int coef;//系数 8 int exp;//指数 9 struct Polynode *next; 10 }Polynode,*Polylist; 11 12 //多项式链表升序排序 13 Polylist Polysort(Polylist head) 14 { 15 Polynode *first,*move,*p,*q; //first移动指针变量 move 被移动项指针变量p,q临时指针变量 16 q=head; 17 p=head->next; 18 if(p==NULL) return head; //判断链表是否为空; 19 first=p->next; 20 p->next=NULL; 21 move=first; 22 while(move!=NULL) //直接插入排序(链表排序) 23 { 24 first=first->next; 25 if(p->exp==move->exp) //判断待插入项指数是否与首项相等; 26 { 27 p->coef+=move->coef; //系数相加; 28 free(move); //释放空间; 29 if(p->coef==0) //若系数相加和为0; 30 { 31 q->next=p->next; 32 free(p); //释放空间; 33 } 34 } 35 else if(p->exp>move->exp) //判断待插入项指数是否大于第一个项的指数; 36 { 37 head->next=move; 38 move->next=p; 39 } 40 else if(p->next==NULL) //判断下一项是否为空; 41 { 42 p->next=move; 43 move->next=NULL; 44 } 45 else //待插入项指数插入位置在首末项之间; 46 { 47 q=p; //移动临时变量指针p,q 48 p=p->next; 49 while(1) 50 { 51 if(p->exp==move->exp) //判断待插入项指数是否与首项相等; 52 { 53 p->coef+=move->coef;//系数相加; 54 free(move); //释放空间; 55 if(p->coef==0) 56 { 57 q->next=p->next;//若系数相加和为0; 58 free(p); //释放空间; 59 } 60 break; 61 } 62 if(p->exp>move->exp) //判断待插入项指数是否大于当前项的指数; 63 { 64 q->next=move; 65 move->next=p; 66 break; 67 } 68 if(p->next==NULL) //判断下一项是否为空; 69 { 70 p->next=move; 71 move->next=NULL; 72 break; 73 } 74 q=p; //移动临时变量指针p,q; 75 p=p->next; 76 } 77 } 78 p=head->next; //使p,q指针重新指到初始化位置; 79 q=head; 80 move=first; 81 } 82 return head; //返回头结点; 83 } 84 85 86 Polylist creat() 87 { 88 Polynode *head,*p,*newnode; 89 90 int c,e; 91 head=(Polynode *)malloc(sizeof(Polynode)); 92 p=head; 93 printf("please input the ceofficients and expoents:\n"); 94 scanf("%d %d",&c,&e); 95 while(c||e) 96 { 97 if(c==0) 98 {scanf("%d %d",&c,&e);continue;} 99 newnode=(Polynode *)malloc(sizeof(Polynode)); 100 newnode->coef=c; 101 newnode->exp=e; 102 p->next=newnode; 103 p=newnode; 104 scanf("%d %d",&c,&e); 105 } 106 p->next=NULL; 107 head=Polysort(head); 108 return head; 109 } 110 111 Polylist Polymul(Polylist LA,Polylist LB) 112 { 113 Polynode *head,*p,*q,*t,*newnode; //head:头指针 newnode:新结点指针 p,q,t:临时指针变量; 114 p=LA->next; 115 q=LB->next; 116 head=(Polynode *)malloc(sizeof(Polynode));//开辟一个新结点,并使之成为新链表的头结点; 117 t=head; 118 while(p!=NULL) 119 { 120 while(q!=NULL) 121 { 122 newnode=(Polynode *)malloc(sizeof(Polynode));//开辟一个新结点; 123 t->next=newnode; 124 t=t->next; 125 t->coef=p->coef*q->coef; //项之系数为LA,LB两项系数之积; 126 t->exp=p->exp+q->exp; //项之指数为LA,LB两项指数之和; 127 q=q->next; 128 } 129 p=p->next; //p指针移动; 130 q=LB->next; //q指针复位为LB->next; 131 } 132 t->next=NULL; //为最后的结点的next赋空; 133 head=Polysort(head); //调用Polysort排序函数对多项式链表进行降序排序; 134 return head; //返回头结点; 135 } 136 //输出函数 137 void print(Polylist head) 138 { 139 Polynode *p; 140 141 p=head->next; 142 if(p==NULL) 143 printf("0"); 144 else 145 while(p!=NULL) 146 { 147 //系数输出 148 if(p->coef==-1) 149 printf("-"); 150 else if(p->coef!=1) 151 printf("%d",p->coef); 152 153 //符号输出 154 if(p->exp!=0&&p->exp!=1) 155 printf("X^"); 156 else if(p->exp==1) 157 printf("X"); 158 159 //指数输出 160 if(p->exp==0&&(p->coef==-1||p->coef==1)) 161 printf("1"); 162 if(p->exp<0) 163 printf("(%d)",p->exp); 164 else if(p->exp!=1&&p->exp!=0) 165 printf("%d",p->exp); 166 p=p->next; 167 if(p!=NULL&&p->coef>0) 168 printf("+"); 169 } 170 printf("\n"); 171 } 172 173 void main() 174 { 175 Polylist LA,LB,LC; 176 printf("For polynode A, "); 177 LA=creat(); //创建多项式LA; 178 print(LA); //输出多项式LA; 179 180 printf("\nFor polynode B: "); 181 LB=creat(); //创建多项式LB; 182 print(LB); //输出多项式LB; 183 184 LC=Polymul(LA,LB); //对多项式LA,LB相乘; 185 186 printf("\nThe multiply of the polynodes is: \n"); 187 print(LC); //输出多项式LC; 188 }
5. 两个乒乓球队进行比赛,各出3人。甲队为A,B,C 3人,乙队为X,Y,Z 3人。已抽签决定比赛名单。有人向队员打听比赛的名单。A说他不和X比,C说他不和X,Z比,请编程序找出3对赛手的名单。
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 3 int main() 4 { 5 char i,j,k; /*i是a的对手,j是b的对手,k是c的对手*/ 6 for(i='x';i<='z';i++) 7 for(j='x';j<='z';j++) 8 { 9 if(i!=j) 10 for(k='x';k<='z';k++) 11 { 12 if(i!=k&&j!=k) 13 { 14 if(i!='x'&&k!='x'&&k!='z'){ 15 printf("order is a--%c\tb--%c\tc--%c\n",i,j,k); 16 return 0; 17 } 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 22 }
6. 一个小孩买了价值少于1美元的糖,并将1美元的钱交给售货员。售货员希望用数目最少的硬币找给小孩。假设提供了数目不限的面值为25美分·10美分·5美分·及1美分的硬币。
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #define max 100 3 4 int main(){ 5 6 int input, diff, reminder, num25, num10, num5, num1; 7 8 printf("the total cost of your good(in cents): "); 9 scanf("%d", &input); 10 while(input > max){ 11 printf("please choose another one under 100 cents: "); 12 scanf("%d", &input); 13 } 14 15 diff = max - input; 16 if(diff == 0){ 17 printf("\njust suitable, no change for you...\n"); 18 return 0; 19 } 20 21 num25 = diff / 25; 22 reminder = diff % 25; 23 num10 = reminder / 10; 24 reminder = reminder % 10; 25 num5 = reminder / 5; 26 num1 = reminder % 5; 27 28 printf("\nyour change is: \n"); 29 30 if(num25 != 0) 31 printf("number of 25s: %d\n", num25); 32 if(num10 != 0) 33 printf("number of 10s: %d\n", num10); 34 if(num5 != 0) 35 printf("number of 5s: %d\n", num5); 36 if(num1 != 0) 37 printf("number of 1s: %d\n", num1); 38 39 return 0; 40 }