Stand out from the crowd

Business scope in British Virgin Group includes tourism, aviation and entertainment industry. Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group who is 66-year-old now, started his business from the age of 20, which worths $5100000000 currently. Accepting the interview with the Titanium Media, Richard Branson shared his experience of success and gave some suggestions.

Many people will ask him about what is the best way to deal with the tough problems. As for those fledgling novice(初出茅庐的新手), his advice is that: " Let it go and just do it !." He suggests they should make contact with a group of brilliant individuals, building a small team of trusted people, working with people who can work with them in any situation, and then go all out.

In his opinion, no matter what sort of business you are doing, if you can provide the product that is a little out of the ordinary , the customer will recommend you very soon. In this case,what you need to do is to break away from the crowd,and to provide more cost-effective products. For example, to lower rates duringcertain time of the day, and to raise fees during other periods of the day, so that you can offer opportunities to those who are cash-strapped(囊中羞涩的)." He also suggests that businessmen strive for excellence. "Excellence is not measured by awards or other people's approval, but rather by the self actualization of everyone in exploring the potential of the world.". It's not easy to earn money, but you can make it if you are smart, alert and keep up with the times,."

Richard Branson is fond of learning and keeps learning. He holds the belief that learning broadens your horizons, enables you to find different new things, and find those who can better fulfill the things you are not good at, so that you can take advantage of your fortes(发挥自己的长处) freely. He thinks Virgin Group involves in different fields, due to their inquisitive curiosity and the desire to learn.

英国维珍集团的业务范围包括旅游、航空和娱乐业等行业,66岁的维珍创始人理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)从20岁时就开始创业,如今身价为51亿美元。接受钛媒体采访时,理查德·布兰森分享了他的成功经验和建议。


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