2017级《综合英语三》: Course Introduction

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2017级《综合英语三》: Course Introduction_第1张图片

Course Introduction


Comprehensive English 3/4


Ellen TONG

[email protected]

-wechat: ellens_tales

I: Teaching Plan

1. Textbook:(《新视野大学英语(读写)》Book 2)

6 units–1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 (See the official teaching  plan)

-Vocabulary ,Grammar, etc. (the basic, but not everything)

-Reading comprehension, Writing, Translation, Listening, Speaking, etc.(language proficiency)

-Information, critical thinking, etc.(spirit of language)

2. CET: (optional)

-skills incorporated in this course (esp. W&T)

-your independent training plan to make

What are tested inCET?

3. The world: issues; culture; Discoveries; people

-your presentation and my introduction


A Dictation for each unit

Quizzes(Writing & Translation)

Assignments (esp. listening; writing; translation; textbook exercises)

Presentation: in pairs

Projects: in groups

Always be prepared for and engaged in classroom activities

Extra independent speeches & reports & other activities are encouraged (+)

NO lateness or absenteeism, Nor disruptions in classes (+/-)

Always prepare paper, notebooks and pen/pencils


Topic: Theworld

Subtopics:(you must choose one of the 5 subtopics)

1. acultural difference between Chinese culture and the Culture of an English speaking country [not too general]

2. a particular cultural phenomenon in Chinese culture and your analysis withcritical thinking [not too general]

3. a recent event / issue and your analysis

[e.g.Nobel Prize 2017; election; economic phenomenon]

4.people [Someone special but not well known to us, e.g. Nikola Tesla; Nobelprize winners]

5. a discovery in a certain field

[e.g.inspirations from a Tedtalk and further research]

Rules: (10%)

3~5minutes (it will be stopped when exceeding 5 minutes)


Content:information + ideas + interaction*

Relevance(irrelevant topics or contents lose marks)

Speakand interact; No reading scripts or PPT (you get no more than 60% of the total score if you read the scripts or lines on the PPT)

Independent thinking; no copied thoughts or ideas (you get no more than 60% of the totalscore if there is no ingenious ideas)


UsePPT or word documents

Send them to the teachers days before the presentation and seek advice to improve them

Be cautious in using punctuation and choosing sizes of words

Flowery or Flaring PPT backgrounds are NOT wise choices

II: Grading

40% for performance(平时分)

60% for final(期末分)


i: Quizzes: 35%

1) Dictation (Ave): 15%one dictation for each unit

2) Writing quiz: 10%

3) Translation quiz: 10%

ii: Tasks: 35%

1) Assignments:10%

textbook exercises [-1% for not finishing assigned exercises]

Online writing or translation [-1% for each unfinished task]

group work [each gets the same score]

other assignments

2) Presentation:10%

group reports; formal speeches [each gets the same score]

3) Project:15%

one or two large projects

iii: Class participation: 20%口头作业/课堂提问/课堂任务


1) Plus(加分):

主动发言/发言良好: +1~2%/次

个人的独立演讲或报告: +1~3%/次

2) Minus(扣分):



iv: Attendance and Discipline: 10%

-2% for each skipped class (2 periods)

-0.5~1% for lateness

-1%for each warning again serious classroom disturbance or terrible attitude

III: Grouping and pairing


Please form 6groups in the class, with 6-7 people in each.

Each group shouldhave a group leader.

Bring the group name lists next week.

(also mark the name of the group leaders and write down their phone numbers)


Find a partner for the presentation

Begin the presentation with the smallest

number and his/her partner

IV: How to be a successful learner?

Stay focused

Make your own plan

Do homework: written or oral form or in groups

Being prepared

Read (loudly) alot and memorize a lot of words before and after classes

Ask questions and think independently

V: Recommendation- Resources

For Listening and Speaking:

1) TedTalk:

https://www.ted.com/talks[some talks accessible on youku.com]

2) CNNStudents Newshttp://www.listeningexpress.com/cnn/cnnstudentnews

3) Any other accessible news videos: e.g. BBC, Fox news, NPR.org, …

4) VOA Learning English:


5) 听力课堂 www.tingclass.net

6) American

Accent Training《美语发音秘诀》

[accessible in (online) bookstores; copy the e-versionfrom Ellen]

7) EnglishTV Shows or Movies [Please recommend each other some]

For Reading and Writing:

8) Newspapers on line (The Times, The New York Time, NPR, …)

9) 句酷批改网 https://www.pigai.org/

10) EnglishNews Sources: NPR; BBC; New York Times; The Times

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