使用环境:Windows7(32bit),  Oracle VM VirtualBox;

工具:mininet-2.2.2-170321-ubuntu-14.04.4-server-i386, pox controller, putty, Xming;


1. Put the ddos.py and ddos_printer.py in ext folder under POX folder

2. Run the topology using Xming open the ddos_test.mn file in putty using this command:

3. cd mininet/examples

4. sudo ./miniedit.py

5. open the ddos_test.mn file in Xming

6. On new terminal window Run the controller using this command.

7. cd pox

8. ./pox.py forwarding.l3_learning ddos

9. Open the host7 terminal in the mininet topology and run the ddos_printer.py script using this command: sudo python ddos_printer.py
