

1、ERROR ITMS -90094 “Invalid Launch Image,Your app contains a launch image with a size modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or later.”

原由及解决方案:当时我们用了一个xcode7.1 beta版本,在网上搜了一下,有些人说是因为beta版本的问题,于是我下了一个xcode8正式版本。(注:在提示这个Error的时候,其实下面有一个INFO ITMS-90111 "Beta Toolchain,the app has been built using beta toolchains.....")

2、ERROR ITMS-90158:The following URL schemes found in you app are not in the correct format :[1234566xxx],URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period,the hyphen or the plus sign only,Please see RFC1738 for more detail.

原由及解决方案:这个是因为我接了ShareSDK,由于之前ShareSDK接入时,需要在info.plist文件里增加URL_Types,然后增加url schemes列表,里面就是app在相就平台申请的app key(123456xxx),sina weibo申请的应用key是一个纯数字,在增加的时候,直接写到url schemes列表里面,解决方案在app key前面增加wb(wb123456xxx)。

3、ERROR ITMS-90535:Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key.The bundle at 'Payload/xxx.app/xxx.bundle' does not contain a bundle executable.If this bundle intentionally does not contain an executable,consider removing the CFBundleExecutable key from its info.plist xxxxx......

原因及解决方案:由于我接了一个第三方的SDK,然后找到上面提示的xxx.bundle,然后打开此结构下的info.plist,找到配置列表里的Executable file列,然后删除即可

===  IPV6这个坑上,从发现问题到解决问题,整整花了一周时间,后续补上 ===

4、IPv6的支持,具体可以看下Unity 支持 IPV6 (IOS)
