[Quora] 街头艺人是怎么悬浮在空中的?

[Quora] 街头艺人是怎么悬浮在空中的?_第1张图片

How can this person stay in the air?



Michael Ford:

This example of a levitation trick is very well done. I don't know if there are other ways to do this, but this picture below gives sort of an X-ray view into the most common way.
问题中的悬浮表演非常棒,我不知道还有没有其他的方式可以做到这一点,不过下面提供的这张 X 光图片提供了一种常用的悬浮表演套路。

[Quora] 街头艺人是怎么悬浮在空中的?_第2张图片
X-ray view

The "levitating" person is actually sitting on a platform (1) that's attached to a steel (or some other strong metal) post (2), which is granted balance and stability by a large, metal base (3). It's a cool trick, and you'll notice the guy in this picture has really baggy sleeves. Many people performing this trick also will wear gloves to hide the post, and some may not even be touching the post at all. Their real arm could be tucked away inside their sleeve.

In your picture, you can clearly see two fleshy hands, and you can see that there is no post hidden under the top hand, although the view may be limiting our examination. It could also just be that this is an extremely well-designed stunt with two fake arms supporting the platform. Either way, it would just mean that the only physics the charlatans are using is the same physics that allows anyone to sit in a chair.

Here's another picture to help further clarify a different two-person stunt.

[Quora] 街头艺人是怎么悬浮在空中的?_第3张图片

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