Vue Router 2.0 学习持续归档...

  • @2018/06/18 官方文档Guide-Essentials部分学习摘要
  • @2018/06/18 结合实际开发遇到的一些问题总结和资料查询
    • 为什么要有 hash 和 history


// literal string path
// object
router.push({ path: 'home' })
// named route
router.push({ name: 'user', params: { userId: 123 }})
// with query, resulting in /register?plan=private
router.push({ path: 'register', query: { plan: 'private' }})

const userId = 123
// -> /user/123
router.push({ name: 'user', params: { userId }}) 
// -> /user/123
router.push({ path: `/user/${userId}` }) 
// This will NOT work, -> /user
router.push({ path: '/user', params: { userId }})

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
    { path: '/a', redirect: to => {
      // the function receives the target route as the argument
      // return redirect path/location here.

const User = {
  props: ['id'],
  template: '
User {{ id }}
' } const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/user/:id', component: User, props: true }, // for routes with named views, you have to define the `props` option for each named view: { path: '/user/:id', components: { default: User, sidebar: Sidebar }, props: { default: true, sidebar: false } } ] }) const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/promotion/from-newsletter', component: Promotion, props: { newsletterPopup: false } } ] }) const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/search', component: SearchUser, props: (route) => ({ query: route.query.q }) } ] })


  • API Reference: $route.params, $route.query, $route.hash, TODO deeper learning need
  • Reacting params changes, the same component instance will be reused, lifecycle hooks of the component will not be called. Two ways to solve it:
    • watch the $route object
    • use the beforeRouteUpdate(only for same component) guard introduced in 2.2
  • Rue-router uses path-to-regexp as its path matching engine, so it supports many advanced matching patterns.
  • Nested routes: note that nested paths that start with / will be treated as a root path. This allows you to leverage the component nesting without having to use a nested URL.
  • Programmatic navigation( push vs replace vs go)
    • is the equivalent of calling router.push(...)
    • The argument can be a string path, or a location descriptor object.
    • Params are ignored if a path is provided, which is not the case for query(note: see example above).
    • $router.replace: Acts like router.push, the only difference is that it navigates without pushing a new history entry
    • $router.go: Takes a single integer as parameter that indicates by how many steps to go forwards or go backwards in the history stack, similar to window.history.go(n).
    • All three methods are counterparts of window.history.pushState, window.history.replaceState and window.history.go.
  • Your display multiple views in same path just by specify the components object in router and use multiple in template
  • Your can use a function for dynamic redirecting.
  • You can decouple $route with component by using props, route.params will be set as the component props.
  • When props is an object, this will be set as the component props as-is. Useful for when the props are static.
  • You can create a function that returns props. This allows you to cast parameters into other types, combine static values with route-based values, etc.
  • HTML5 history mode
    • The default mode for vue-router is hash mode - it uses the URL hash to simulate a full URL so that the page won't be reloaded when the URL changes.
    • To get rid of the hash, we can use the router's history mode, which leverages the history.pushState API to achieve URL navigation without a page reload.


  • 对于同一个Component,params发生改变可以通过watch $route来监控变化。务必注意的是,如果跳走到了一个不同的Component,监控代码是不会被执行到的。
  • 同理在项目开发中,beforeRouteUpdate代码没管用,文档说该方法是在在2.2中被引入的(自己Vue和Vue-Router的版本都是>2.2的),最终验证得知,beforeRouteUpdate是用来监听 param和query这一层次变化的。在项目开发中,最初的新增职位和编辑职位是同一个route和Component,互跳是可以用该钩子的,但是跳转到其他route需要用其他方式比如beforeEach进行判断。
  • 关于自己使用$router.push({path, param})发现param参数不起作用,大概是因为把namepath搞混了
  • 关于hash 和 history 两种mode的异同
    • 可以在Vue-Router的传入参数中指定,都能用来最SPA应用,默认是has模式
    • hash把路由相关部分记录在#/之后,改变hash部分不会刷新页面,但是路径难看
    • history利用了html5新api,可以在切换历史状态,甚至修改历史状态,看起来路由更好看,问题是刷新以后会向后台发送HTTP请求,所以需要后台服务器进行一些简单的配置。那么问题来了,可以看一看HR端的后台服务器是怎么配置的吗?

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