Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 July 5

Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 July 5_第1张图片

【作者】Eileen Caddy



YOUR thoughts towards abundance determine whether all your needs are met or not. When you think lack or poverty, and when you allow fear, worry, inferiority, greed, selfishness and anxiety into your consciousness, and when you dwell on these negative states, you draw the worst to you. When you think as a pauper, you are a pauper, for you deprive yourself of all the good things in life which are yours when you read just your thinking and attitude towards them. Start right now thinking prosperity. See yourself with all your needs being wonderfully met. Refuse to see yourself short of anything, for if you are short of something, the shortage is in your own consciousness. Why stop the flow of My abundant, limitless supply by your limited, constrictive consciousness? When you begin to understand and to accept where everything comes from, and when you can give thanks for everything freely and joyously to Me, the giver of every good and perfect gift, you will lack nothing, absolutely nothing.



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