Great Writers Take Us By Surprise

Great Writers Take Us By Surprise_第1张图片

Jane Austen, a world famous female writer at the late 20th century in British literature history, as an amazing representative of Romanticism. Her life is short, because leaving only 6 novels for people to read.

Her life is also a legendary that is full of ups and downs. Never married,never rich,Jane Austen wrote with precision and passion of dream lovers and marriages. She is somebody of mystery and also a “lady”who wrote with a fine brush on a "little bit (not two inches wide) of ivory".

Jane of a clergyman family grew up at the rural England. Her parents were so enlightened that Jane could access to many literal works, even some were not suitable for a ten –year-old girl, which was greatly inspired her amazing writing talent. However, lived in a rural town, he tranquility of the country life, the association among country gentlemen, all these make Jane’s works have a great outstanding distinction compared to the same period writers, like, Wordsworth or Byron. The writer used her delicate insights into human nature, esp. when engaged in the treacherous bushes of courtship are as sharp and witty as when she originally wrote them. She could only be Jane Austen, a lady who used her courage and wit to take on the world ruled by men and money.

Although Jane’s female identity hindered her publication, meanwhile, this gave her a special perspective to observe the worldly wisdom, marriage, love tricks, comicality of life and comedy of manners. This lady utilizes a unique technique with the combination of comedies to mock the underlying weakness of human nature----- selfishness, snobbery, pride and prejudice.

She never criticizes people directly, but use round characters to reflect ridiculous things and people. She regarded this world as a comedy, while treated it with only sense but sensibility.

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