(接触“双生火焰”这个概念以来,发现国外对这一话题的讨论和成系统的资料整理远远多于国内。正在经历双生旅程的人一定明白,这个过程有时迷雾重重,有时很多戏码上演,有时还容易陷入执念…… 所以,的确需要一些同伴,需要一些支持。于是建了这个“双生火焰资讯”专题,持续收录和翻译一些经过筛选的英文资料,希望能帮助到一些人。
I specialize in Twin Flames and soulmates and have been in union with my own Twin Flame for a longtime so I'll try to help.
The counterfeit twin /false twin is oftentimes one that comes in the form of a karmic soulmate. The relationship with the counterfeit twin is actually necessary to the twin flame journey which leads to union.
During this relationship, it's often impossible to convince someone that it's a false aka counterfeit twin versus a true twin flame because the person must process and come to this realization on their own as part of their journey.
The false twin is confusing for many and I know of people who have wasted years in stagnation with false twins. The problem is, all the signs and symptoms and syncs in false twins are identical to the true twin, so it can create a lot of confusion and wasted time.
There's a long path and a short path to twin flame union. I always recommend the short path.Personally, I got stuck for the better part of a year with my own false twin sohad I known then what I know now, I would have elected the short path. That's one of the reasons I do not recommend getting info from anyone unless they've gone through this journey themselves and actually are in union with their twin.Unless you've actually experienced it, it's impossible to understand the process.
The aspects that really set a counterfeit twin apart from the true twin flame are most commonly:
1. The Divine Mission is absent. In twin flames, the mission will reveal it's self which isthe reason twins exist at all. The mission raises the universal vibration. In false twin relationships, there will be an absence of the twin flame mission.
2. Ascension seems stagnant. In twin flames, ascension is key and the twins process through ascension. If you feel like Ascension has begun but you're stuck and stagnated in confusion, it might be due to the false twin.
3. Signs and syncs appear to be chasing you. In twin flames, the signs and syncs are present to guide you. They will appear to chase you around when you're on the wrong path in an attempt to get you crossed over to the right path. Then, the syncs will lessen and stop chasing once you receive the message they're sending. Many think they see certain signs or syncs when they're on the right path. The universe doesn't have that luxury of time just to send confirmations or to say hello. The universe sends you signs and syncs to get you to follow them — to your correct path. If you're being inundated with these, try going in a different or opposite direction. Once you're headed in the right direction, they should stop harassing you.
3. 接踵而至的提示信号和同步事件。在真正双生火焰关系中,提示信号和同步事件的出现时为了给你们提供引导。当你们彼此往岔路上走偏了,它们会接二连三地出现,以便促使你们走回正确的方向。接着,当你们领会了这些迹象所传递的信息后,同步事件便会逐渐减少并停止出现。许多人会认为,他们走在正确的方向上时才能发现特定的提示信号或同步事件。宇宙没有那么闲,没事蹦出来就为了给你传送确认信息或打招呼玩。宇宙给你传送提示信号和同步事件,是为了让你顺藤摸瓜找到正确的方向。如果你已经被这些迹象淹没而不胜其扰,请尝试走到一个不同的或(甚至)相反的方向上去。一旦你步入正确的方向,这些迹象就会停止骚扰你了。
4. You feel like there's definite purpose to your connection and relationship, yet the relationship is miserable or unrequited. There is purpose to the false twin relationship, definitely! It's necessary to your journey. But if you're in a situation that's somehow unrequited, or there's apparently no means to a conclusion or proactive effort on either part, then it could possibly be a false twin.
5. You notice that you feel deeply connected to the person like no other before, but you can't seem to enjoy a real, mutual, happy relationship with them on all possible levels. This is another very annoying but accurate aspect of the false twin. You're perpetually waiting for something to happen. It feels like “hurry up and wait.”
6. An overwhelming feeling of not being able to get the thoughts of them out of your mind, accompanied with a feeling of fear or doubt. Any fear or doubt is a telltale sign along with “who are they talking to? What are they doing? Am Igoing to be replaced? Will this separation ever end? Why can't I stop looking at them on the internet? Are they thinking of me?” Twin Flames kind of intuitively already know the answers to these kinds of things.
6.(对于虚假双生火焰)你会发现自己完全没办法把这个人从你脑子里移开,每每想到Ta,总会有一种恐惧或怀疑的感受。任何一点恐惧或怀疑都会让你陷入是非心,并会去猜测“Ta现在在和谁聊天?Ta现在在做什么?我的位置会被取代吗?彼此什么时候才能结束分离?我为什么总是忍不住追踪Ta的社交网络信息?Ta是否也在想念我?” 而在真正的双生火焰关系中,双方几乎可以凭直觉就能知道类似这些问题的答案。
Whatever your situation is with a false twin, it's always confusing and somehow unfulfilling— yet you feel an unexplainable soul connection and unconditional love for them. This makes ending the false twin relationship very difficult. Obsessive thoughts is another telltale sign.
I hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
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