煤矿机械英语每日一句! 煤机竞聘,合不合适只有试试才知道-086

煤矿机械英语每日一句! 煤机竞聘,合不合适只有试试才知道-086_第1张图片

1.1.Today’s Sentence今日学习


A: Only the wearer knows whether the shoes fit or not.Likewise, people take the leading responsibility for the coal mining machinery arein the best position to say whether the applieris a good cooperative partnerfor them or not.

1.2. Structure结构

1.Only the wearer knows whether the shoes fit or not.鞋子合不合脚,只有穿鞋的人自己知道。

2.in the best position to 在做XX的最佳位置上

3.a good cooperative partner最佳的合作伙伴

1.3. Origin 原句


A: Only the wearer knows whether the shoes fit or not. Likewise, people from Latin American countries are in the best position to say whether China is a good cooperative partner for them or not.


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