每日科技英文24: Data vs. Information


  1. 数据和信息之间的关系
  2. 可以充当主语的词类总结

Data are simply facts or figures — bits of information, but not information itself.

When data are processed, interpreted, organized, structured or presented so as to make them meaningful or useful, they are called information.

Information provides context for data.

  • simply facts or figures: 简单的事实与数据

  • bits of: 做量词,一小片的

  • be(后面的动词都是被动语态) processed(处理),interpreted(解释,口译),organized(组织),structured(结构化) or presented(呈现)

  • so as to+动词原形: 表目的,可以翻译成 是为了...,为的是....,和in order to表示相同意思(目的是为了做什么事)

  • make them meaningful or useful: 目的是为了让他们有意义或有用,them指代Data

  • provide sth for sb(为某人提供某物)。这里还是具有拟人化哦,将data = sb了

  • provide还有一种常用法更能体现出sb/sth之间的区别: provide sb with sth(上面是provide sth for sb,正好sth和sb相交换,并且介词不同,一个是with,一个是for)

  • context:这个单词搞编程的都知道:语境; 上下文; 背景; 环境;



  1. 名词: Gold is of much value(黄金很值钱)

  2. 代词: He always keeps his promise(他总是信守承诺)

  3. 动名词: Seeing him makes me angry.(一见到他,我就生气)

  4. 动词不定式: To see him is my purpose of coming here(我到这里来就是为了他)

  5. 名词性短语:Where to meet him is not decided yet(尚未决定在哪里见他)

  6. from...to...地点状语做主语: From Shanghai to Beijing is about 1000 km(从上海到北京大约1000公里左右)

  7. 主语从句: He doesn't study makes me angry(他不学习令我生气)


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