小屁孩日记11 double down p157-165

2016.2.16 周四 晨读 小屁孩日记11 double down p157-165


1.I have never taken blame for a fart, I'd even throw my own mother under the bus (小屁孩放屁了,但却说不是 不是我放的 是妈妈放的  throw someone under the bus=to betray or sacrifice someone for personal gain 将别人推下水,为了自己的利益而牺牲或背叛别人 )and, trust me , I have.


2. The wimpy kid got away with breaking wind because he pinned it on someone else. 小屁孩放屁了,但是把这个过失归咎到了其他人身上,因此自己免受了惩罚。

(1)除了 break wind,还记得放屁有哪几种表达吗?

(2)get away with 做坏事而未受惩罚,做冒险之事而未遭遇不测 If you get away with doing sth wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences


(3)pin (sth) on (someone):to say that (sth) was done or caused by (someone) 把事情归咎于某人


pin (all) your hopes on (sth):to hope very much that (sth) will help you or allow you to succeed 寄希望于


3.I wish I could go back in time ( 穿越回那个时间 时光倒流 ,短语) and pick a new instrument, because this French horn is no joke.

造句:(乘风破浪 Duckweed)邓超饰演的角色穿越回以前并与他爸爸成为了朋友。


4.I thought it would be easy with the whole three button thing, but my left hand isn't strong enough to work it. (work除了自己干活的意思,还有“让…干活,让…工作”的意思)


5.a musical note 音符 

note 还有什么意思? 五线谱怎么说?

6.That means if you play a brass instrument like me you're out of luck (运气不好,短语).

拓展:push one's luck   

Don't push your luck. 你已经够幸运的了,别得寸进尺啊!

7.Rowley's part of the woodwind section, and if he's going, then I can just _______.(=follow 尾随,词组)

8.I can't just show up with him, though, or I could get ______(If you ___ someone ___, you do not allow them to enter your country 拒绝进入)at the door.

拓展:turn down拒绝 


9.I told Rowley if he went to a party like this dressed up as a witch he'd never live it down (If you are unable to live down a mistake, failure, or bad reputation, you are unable to make people forget about it,使人们忘记错误、失败、恶名).


10. A party was a chance for us to_______________________(扩大朋友圈).

11.give sb a ride(美)/lift (英) 载别人一程


拓展:顺风车 怎么说?

12. I was kind of glad we were a little late,because if we showed up ______(时间恰好,短语) we'd look like we were too eager.

拓展:Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative.这些人在压力下会显得浅薄无知、操之过急,而且爱摆布人。

13.I begged mom not to,but when she decided to do sth there is really no stopping her. (no stopping 的用法很特别)

14.我肠子都悔青了 怎么说?

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