HarryPotterandtheChamberofSecret第十三章 绝密日记3

“Please, Hermione were not be one of the forty-six!” said,Ron, as the left the Great Hall for their first lesson. Hermione suddenly became very interested in searching her bag for her timetable and didn't answer.


绝密日记 3
真的 上次擦的奖杯真的够我看一辈子了的
last him a lifetime
burnished adj擦亮的
Mandrake 要过childhood的时候变得很Moody 和secretive 莫名觉得好笑 像青春期的小孩 Acne也会clear up
hibernate n冬眠
culprit n罪魁祸首
morale n 士气
booster n 起推动作用的事物
所以就有这种morale booster 或者 energy booster 这种合成词
lurid adj 耀眼的 可怕的
confetti n五彩纸屑
giggly adj ly结尾的adj 傻笑的 Hermione依旧一副小迷妹样子啊
beaker n烧杯
harp n竖琴
Cupid n丘比特
rove v 漫游
barge v猛撞 冲 闯
grim adj 冷静的
elbow people out of the way 用手肘撞出一条路
at the thought 一想到
shin n 胫骨 (小腿骨)
Feb 19 2018

to last someone a lifetime:(某人)这辈子都……
line up for:排队等候
for good:一劳永逸地
(be) hard on:严厉对待
come over:表露出某种感情
take the liberty of:擅自(做某事)
rove around:到处游荡

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