NCE-2 49 The end of a dream

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Lesson 49 The end of a dream 美梦告终

Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he woke up, he was still on the mattress. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again.


  • tired
    • v. tire; driving tires sb; he tires of driving; sth tire sb out
    • a. tired 累的, 困倦的, 厌烦的
    • n. tiredness
  • save up = save
    • save up enough money to go travelling
      - > save up for a new camera

  • for 用于表达"首次/最后一次"的短语
    • for the first time / for the last day
    • He was married for the second time, this time is a Germany.

  • spring
    1. bent metal that can be pressed into a small space but then returns to its usual shape
    2. ability to return its usual shape afterit has been pressed
  • mattress: flat object which is put on a bed to make it comfortable to sleep on
  • a gust of: a short, strong and sudden rush of wind
  • sweep, swept: to move, especially quickly and powerfully
    • sb/stb be swept somewhere, you are taken there very quickly
  • send sth doing 使做, 使发生
    • a gust of wind sent papers flying all over the room.
  • courtyard 天井, 或庭院, 一定是露天的
  • wake up = wake
  • smash: ~ sth or sth ~, it breaks into many pieces
    • A glass fell off and smashed into pieces.
  • miraculous a. 奇迹般的
    • They miraculously survived the plane crash.
  • glance at: look at them very quickly and then look away again immediately
    • He glanced at his watch.
  • bit: small part, section or piece of sth
    • There were bits of paper on the floor.
    • Would you like a bit of chocolate.
  • pick up 捡起, 举起 lift sth up
  • promptly UK ['prɒ] US ['prɑ:mpt-] = immediately
    • She promised she'd keep secret and promptly went and told Lily.
    • a. prompt 迅速的, 立即的, 及时的
      • prompt action / treatment / payment / response
      • we'll leave at 6 o'clock prompt. 六点准时
  • tired of sleeping ... 过去分词作状语
    • 动作是主语动作的一部分, 同时或先于谓语动作发生
    • 句首 when/if,whether/because,as,since/though,if
    • Seen from the top of hill(city be seen), the city looks more beatiful.
      Given another chance, he will do better.
      Tired of sleeping on the floor, he bought a real bed.
      Tired, the worker went on working.
      - 句首或句尾 作方式或伴随状态, 不可变从句
      - > Surrounded by fans, the actor sat there cheerfully.
      > The old man walked down, supported by his son.
      - 为了强调, 可带when,while,if,unless,until等
      - > If given more time, they would have done it better.

  • glancing at ... 现在分词作状语
    • 作时间状语
    • Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.
      Having read the letter, she got very angry.
      - 方式状语
      - > He earns a living by driving.
      > They would be able to reply to our signals by using similar methods.
      - 作目的状语
      > Six blind men stood there begging for a meal.(in order to beg)
      - 作结果状语
      - > Her husband died in 1942, leaving her with 3 children to look after.
      - > She threw the cup on the ground, breaking it into pieces.
      - 作伴随状语
      - > She stood leaning against the wall.
      > The children ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily.
      - 作原因状语
      - > Being sick, I stayed at home.
      > Not knowing his email and address, I can't contact her.
      - 作条件状语
      - 作让步状语
      - > Working so hard, he failed again.
      > Living miles away, he attended to course.
      - 起补充说明作用
      - > Working hard, you will succeed.
      - 作独立成分特殊作用
      - > generally speaking, ...
      > exactly speaking, ...
      > judging from/by sth,
      > considering sth, ...

  • 现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别
    • 动词和主语是主动还是被动关系
    • He went out shutting the door behind him.
      Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for help.

From The young man's View:

Tired of sleeping on the floor, I saved up many years to buy a real bed. I was very pround to be the owner of the bed which had springs and a mattress. It was super comfortable to sleep on it. As the weather was terribly hot, I carried the bed on the roof of my house. I slept well for the first two night, but on the third night, a storm blew up. My bed was swept off the roof by a gust of wind, crashing into courtyard below. I did not woke up until the mattress struck on the ground. When I woke up, I felt upset to notice that my mattress was smashed into pieces. But I still was sleepy. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal, I picked up the mattress and carried it into my house. After putting it on the floor and lying on it, I promptly fell asleep.


感觉没啥总结的, 都在今天的知识点内

From THe young man's mother's View:

Tired of sleeping on the floor, my poor son saved up for years to buy a bed which had springs and a mattress. After trying to sleeping on it, I felt it was more comfortable to sleep on it than to sleep on floor. It was too hot to sleep on the mattress in bedroom, so my son carried it on the roof of his house. He slept well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into courtyard below. Sleeping deeply, my son did not wake until the bed struck on the ground. Although the bed was smashed into pieces, but my son was miraculously unhurt. When he woke up, he was still on the mattress. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal, he picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. After he had put it on the floor, he went to sleep again.


除了前两句, 后面不知道怎么改写.

  • than
    • You should know better than to behave like that.

  • 复写下来, 词的用法基本正确


  • send sth doing 使做, 使发生
    • a gust of wind sent papers flying all over the room.
  • 现在/过去 分词做状语的种种用法
  • 现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别
    • 动词和主语是主动还是被动关系
    • He went out shutting the door behind him.
      Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for help.

(作文时间: 2017-01-31, 耗时: 150 分钟)


(修改时间: 2017-xx-xx, 耗时: xx 分钟)


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