who are you?

Keep grounded so it’s like you have four legs. That way, you can stay in this world. Also, no looking at world through your head. Look through your heart instead. That way, you will know God.


who are you?_第1张图片

I have a box just like this, except it’s filled with National Geographics and The Times travel section--All the places I wanna see before l die.


And when I look into your eyes, I hear dolphins clapping.


I didn’t exactly fall in love with the guy. What happened was I dove out of my marriage and into David’s arms exactly the same way a cartoon circus performer dives off a high platform and into a small cup of water, vanishing completely.

其实我并没有爱上这个小伙子。我只是跳出了自己的婚姻,投入了大卫的怀抱, 就像卡通片里的马戏团演员从高高的跳台跳下,落入一只小水杯里,消失得无影无踪。

It begins when the object of your affection bestows upon you a heady hallucinogenic dose of something you’ve never even dared to admit you wanted an emotional speedball of thunderous love and excitement. Soon you start craving that attention with the hungry obsession of any junkie. When it’s withheld, you turn sick, crazy, not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place but now refuses to pony up the good stuff. Goddamn him, and he used to give it to you for free, next stage finds you skinny, shaking in a corner, certain only that you’d sell your soul just to have that one thing one more time.


There is a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging: “Dear saint, please, please, please let me win the lottery.” Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life and looks down at the begging man and says: “My son, please, please, please buy a ticket.”


who are you?_第2张图片

Maybe you’re a woman in search of her word.


You wanna get to the castle, you got to swim the moat.


You have to learn to select your thoughts the way you select your clothes every day.


Smile with face. Smile with mind. Even smile in liver.


Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life.


In the end, I’ve come to believe in something I call “The Physics of the Quest.” A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you’re brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you. I can’t help but believe it, given by my experience. I decided on my word. It means: “Let’s cross over.”


     看完这部电影,让我印象最深刻的一个场景。女主人公深夜泪流满面一个人趴在地板上,孤独无助的模样令人心疼。“我不知道该怎样和自己相处?”这一句简简单单的台词让多少人内心为之一颤。对啊,很多时候我们内心所有的孤独,焦虑,不安都是源于我们对自己的不确定。我们不知道该怎样和自己相处。也许身边也会有很多人或者很多类似的文章会告诉我们,女孩子无论何时要爱自己,和自己和平共处。可是,怎样才算爱自己呢?这真的不是一件很简单的事情。并非你把自己吃穿用度都打理的很好就算照顾好了自己,即便如此你会发现你依旧会迷茫会有失落感。到底该怎样和自己独处呢?每个人可能都有自己的方式吧!但是最重要的真的是源于自己的内心。对,你要保守你的心,胜过保守一切,因为一生的果效都是由心发出的。也许我们会处在一个让自己很不舒服的大环境里面。这个时候,你只有两个选择,要么像女主一样果断的选择脱离和改变,这当然需要莫大的勇气和魄力。你可能会因此一无所有,回到新的起点,但是经历过阵痛就是新的不一样的人生。另一种就是将就,得过且过的待在这个也许不舒服却已习惯的环境里。害怕失去,害怕改变,害怕未知。虽然这样的选择看似很安全,却像一个牢笼把我们本该年轻张扬的内心锁的死死的。很可惜,我们大多数人包括我自己在内都没有勇气选择改变。或许,我们也会在夜深人静的时候不知所措,对自己失望,不知道该怎样和自己独处。可是,等早上的太阳一升起来,还是带着一身的疲惫和迷茫又把自己扔到了那个讨厌的大环境里。很多时候,我们不仅要爱护身体更要去滋养灵魂,足够坚定,足够坚持,像剧中女主一般,能够有勇气对那些不懂你却觉得为你好的人说I  need  the   change.并且真的身体力行。是一件很棒的事情。



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