3.10 iOS 控件 - Tab Bar 标签栏

An iOS tab bar with customizable tabs.
Use the Touch button on the component to get information about the selected tab.
可自定义的 iOS 标签栏。
使用组件上的 Touch 按钮获取 Tab 的状态。


3.10 iOS 控件 - Tab Bar 标签栏_第1张图片


Icon 1...6 图标
An image that is displayed in the first...sixth tab.
按钮 1...6 的默认状态图标。

板栗:这里给出了 6 个,表示最多可添加 6 个按钮;空白表示不使用,查看器中不显示。

Icon 1...6 Selected 选中状态的图层
An image that is displayed in the first...sixth tab when selected.
按钮 1...6 的选中状态图标。

Title 1...6 字符
A text string that is displayed as the title of the first...sixth tab.
按钮 1...6 的名称字符。

Tab 标签
The index of the tab to change to, starting at 0.

Change Tab 更改标签
A pulse that changes the currently selected tab.

Tint Color 颜色
The color of the title of the selected tab.

Bar Tint Color 标签栏底色
The color of the tab bar.

Title Color 文字颜色
The color of the title of the unselected tabs.

Opacity 不透明度
The opacity of the tab bar.

Position Y Y轴位置
The vertical position of the tab bar relative to the bottom of its parent group or screen.

Touch 按钮

Selected Tab Index 选中标签索引
An index that represents the currently selected tab, starting at 0.

Tab 1...6 Selected 选中标签 1...6
A boolean that is true when the first...sixth tab is selected.
选中第 1...6 个标签时,布尔值为真。

全部图层,查看 图层目录

Related Patches

Option Sender,Option Picker,Interaction

Related Layers

Action Sheet 操作表,Activity Indicator 加载菊花,Alert View 警告弹窗,Fake Keyboard 模拟键盘,Page Control 翻页小点,Screen 滑屏,Slider 滑块,Status Bar 状态栏,Switch 开关,Text Field 文本输入框,Visual Effect 毛玻璃效果

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