B17. Documentation View & B18. Alarm Messages-1

B17 文档视图

单击树状图上的“Document / Exasmoc”,将显示Exasmoc说明书。

当您阅读文档时,需要提前安装Adobe Reader。


报警消息和其他消息将发送到HIS和日志文件。 HIS上显示的消息包括日期/时间戳,控制器位号名,生成的错误和其他消息。

表B 18.1 Exasmoc消息

No. 消息格式 动作
81 Bad CON File Format (坏的CON文件格式) CON文件格式与当前版本不对应。重新创建定义文件。
83 Exasmoc controller is OnlineTuning(Exasmoc控制器在线Tuning中)。 已执行在线Tuning。
111 SMOCPro Kernel %s: Initialized (SMOCPro内核%s:初始化)。 控制器已初始化。控制器初始化为CON文件和DEF文件的内容。工作区也被复位。
121 Status is moved Opt to Control due to lack of EF(由于缺少EF,状态将由Opt切换到Control)。 由于缺少EF变量,控制模式已从OPTIMIZE更改为CONTROL。
122 EF ignored due to un-initialised variables(由于未初始化变量,EF被忽略)。 由于经济函数基于未初始化的变量,因此未进行优化。选择有效的EF函数。
131 Wrong Plot Point Dimensions(错误的绘图点尺寸)。 绘图点不正确。使用PCTP重新创建控制器。
141 [%s] MV %s has bad input and is not used([%s] MV%s的输入有误,未使用)。 MV变量的值或质量不正确。确认MV位号名和值。
142 [%s] POV %s has bad input and is not used([%s] POV%s的输入有误,未使用)。 POV变量的值或质量不正确。
143 [%s] DV %s has bad input and is not used([%s] DV%s的输入有误,未使用)。 确认DV位号名和值。
151 MV [%s] setpoint Readback is outside tolerance range and will be used (SP/SPRB: [%s]).(MV [%s]设定值回读超出公差范围并将使用(SP / SPRB:[%s]))。 警告:MV [%s]的setpoint Readback与上一个MV输出值的差值大于MV容差。回读值仍将实现并在预测中使用。
152 MV [%s] Readback %s is outside move range and will NOT be used (SP/SPRB: [%s]).(MV [%s]回读%s在动作范围外,不使用(SP / SPRB:[%s]))。 错误:MV[%s]的setpoint Readback与之前MV输出值的差值超过允许的MV动作幅度。MV回读值将不被用于下一次控制计算,控制器将会退出到Standby状态。
161 Failed to solve the optimization problem"(无法解决优化问题)。 优化进程失败。保留前一个值。
162 Failed to solve the static control feasibility problem(无法解决静态控制的可行性问题)。 静态可行性控制计算过程失败。保留前一个值。
170 [CALC] Input Tag (%s) is BAD. All dependent CALC will fail( [CALC]输入位号(%s)为BAD。所有相关的CALC将失败)。 计算中的输入位号质量不佳。确认输入的位号值和质量码。
171 [CALC] Calculation (%s) is BAD([CALC]计算(%s)为BAD)。 计算输出位号的质量代码为BAD。同上。
201 Unable to write debug file (无法写入debug文件)。 无法创建debug文件。发生内部错误时,请与产品服务联系。
231 [%s] Essential DV %s is not available ([%s]必须的DV%s不可用)。 必须的DV无效。当无效状态持续超过最大关闭控制时间时,控制器将变为INACTIVE。


B17. Documentation View

By clicking “Document / Exasmoc” on the tree view, Exasmoc instruction manual is displayed.
When you read documents, it is necessary to install Adobe Reader in advance.

B18. Alarm Messages

Alarm Messages and other messages are sent to HIS and log file. Messages displayed on the HIS consist of date/time stamp, controller tag name, which generates error and other message.
Following is the list of Exasmoc messages.

Table B 18.1 Exasmoc Messages

No. Message Format Actions
81 Bad CON File Format CON file format is not corresponding to the current revision. Recreate the definition file again.
83 Exasmoc controller is OnlineTuning Online tuning has executed.
111 SMOCPro Kernel %s: Initialized The controller has initialized. The controller is initialized to the contents of CON file and DEF file. Work area is also reset.
121 Status is moved Opt to Control due to lack of EF Control mode has changed to CONTROL from OPTIMISE due to the lack of EF variable.
122 EF ignored due to un-initialised variables As the Economic Function is based on the un-initialized variable, the optimization was not done. Select the effective EF function.
131 Wrong Plot Point Dimensions The plot point is not correct. Re-create the controller using PCTP again.
141 [%s] MV %s has bad input and is not used The value or quality of the MV variable is not proper. Confirm the MV tag name and value.
142 [%s] POV %s has bad input and is not used The value or quality of the POV variable is not proper.
143 [%s] DV %s has bad input and is not used Confirm the DV tag name and value.
/SPRB: [%s]). Warning: The setpoint Readback for MV [%s] differs from the previous MV output value by more than the MV tolerance. The Readback value will still be implemented and used in the predictions.
152 MV [%s] Readback %s is outside move range and will NOT be used (SP/SPRB: [%s]). Error: The setpoint Readback for MV [%s] differs from the previous MV output value by more than the allowable MV move range. The MV Readback will not be used for the next control calculation and the controller will shed to Standby.
161 Failed to solve the optimization problem" The optimization process was failed. The previous value remains.
162 Failed to solve the static control feasibility problem The static feasibility control calculation process was failed. The previous value remains.
170 [CALC] Input Tag (%s) is BAD. All dependent CALC will fail The input tag quality in the Calculation is Bad. Confirm the input tag value and quality code.
171 [CALC] Calculation (%s) is BAD The quality code of calculation output tag is BAD. Same above.
201 Unable to write debug file Cannot create the debug file. As the internal error occurred, contact with Product Service.
231 [%s] Essential DV %s is not available The essential DV is invalid. When the invalid status continues more that the Maximum Time Off Control, the controller becomes INACTIVE.


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