

释义:to be typical of a person, place, or thing

例句:Phenomenal English is characterized by its emphasis on using English.


『“X具有Y特征”在英文中可以表达为“Y characterize(s) X”或者“X is characterized by Y”。这里的“characterize”也可以用“mark”同义替换。』

例① William Zinsser 的文字朴实、简洁

Plain and concise language characterizes/marks William Zinsser's writing.

例② 法国足球运动员姆巴佩的特点是速度快、射门精准

Speed and high shot accuracy characterize/mark the French footballer Kylian Mbappé.(足球运动员除了用 footballer 外,也可以用 soccer player。)

例③ 就全球来看,城市发展的一大特征是交通拥堵

Traffic congestion characterizes/marks urban expansion worldwide.

例④ 《经济学人》的风格指南 The Economist Style Guide 序言中,开头部分有这么两句:

On only two scores can The Economist hope to outdo its rivals consistently. One is the quality of its analysis; the other is the quality of its writing.

这段话强调了《经济学人》特别看重分析质量和写作质量,可以用“characterize” 和“mark”把这段话改写:

The Economist is characterized/marked by its insightful analysis and high-quality prose.

1. 翻译:三里屯以大量的潮牌和西餐厅著称。

Sanlitun is characterized/marked by a great number of fashion brands and Western food restaurants.

(参考翻译:Sanlitun is characterized/marked by numerous fashion brands and Western food restaurants.)

2. 造句练习:

场景: 海底捞因为其优质的服务受到大众的喜爱。

造句: Haidilao, a Chinese hot pot chain, is characterized/marked by.its attentive service, attracting people of all ages to come to experience the service.
