Smoke Free restaurants!


如果你看到 Smoke Free restaurants 还怀疑它是可以自由吸烟的地方的话,

当你在大学校园里看到 Smoke Free campus 就不免疑惑了,吸烟校园?

smoke free area 是吸烟区?

闹,闹,闹,是禁烟区呀,那些Smoke Free的地方都是禁烟的。


我们都知道,Something that costs nothing is free,

免费的,oh, I love it,原来写过一篇Free,Free,Free(关注后点击“精彩回顾”查看),


如果你有美国银行的卡,可能节假日或者每个月有几天 admission to some museums is free。


没有占用的、空着的,not occupied or in use

如,a free lockerora free table.

There was only one seat free on the train.


If someone or something is free of or free from an unpleasant thing, they do not have it orthey are not affected by it. 如,free of pain 没有疼痛

She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles. 没皱纹

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