
这是一个超赞的插件,如果使用过sublime-text2,那么肯定很熟悉ctrlp。它可以快速的帮助我们找到项目中的文件。在vim normal模式下,按下ctrl+p,然后输入你要寻找的文件就行了。当然还有其他一些快捷查找键,如正则查找等,

Press  to purge the cache for the current directory to get new files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore options.
Press  and  to cycle between modes.
Press  to switch to filename only search instead of full path.
Press  to switch to regexp mode.
Use ,  or the arrow keys to navigate the result list.
Use  or ,  to open the selected entry in a new tab or in a new split.
Use ,  to select the next/previous string in the prompt's history.
Use  to create a new file and its parent directories.
Use  to mark/unmark multiple files and  to open them.
