789 590上课回顾


1、all the animals get on the boat.

Boat: should teach them but didn't.

Get on :should teach them exactly but did not.magic finger is not enough

Get on the boat:super whisper 不太会,团队合作没有激发起来,dragon 不会的词就不会说。所以要教熟他们再玩这个游戏。

整句练:圆圈边走边说的游戏,规则没有讲好。1、you say the sentence while walking around me.if you run you sit down. You should open your mouth,or sit down.when I say stop,you stop quickly and don't move.2. I will find a student and ask you,if yes,you can come here and guess

2.four big brothers ,four little brothers 不熟,以后多练。

3、everybody is on the boat.没有玩游戏。

4、two by two:游戏设计错误,应该是分号码,然后分组玩。

5、how many animals are on the boat? 没有练熟,所以练的效果不是很好。时间紧,没有玩游戏。

6、they wait ten days.练习了整数数字。

7、all the animals get off the boat.

Get off the boat: 游戏是三个字儿,记得练习之前把知识点练熟。

8、Pluto gets on the bed.

The cat gets on the piano.没有进行延伸。





第二节是碟片时间,重点是It looks good. It tastes delicious. It smells good. 

1.先教了Food for sandwich. sandwich, spaghetti, cake, salad,humburger,chicken, soup.. 然后造句子。

2.it looks good. it tastes delicious.  第一个很好学,孩子们造句也不错。只是觉得课堂纪律太乱了,又没有效果。第二个教了taste,玩了剪卡和石头剪刀布。加s后有点难读,run to the card玩的有点难并且规则不是很明显,得过且过。

自己的设计师先把It looks good教熟悉。然后教delicious, good, yummy. 然后再教tastes,smells。

3.It tastes good. 的确玩的power station. 但是super whisper 和super sentence没玩。

4. smell 没有时间讲了。

5. It's fun to cook and eat. 没玩游戏就过了。

6.用了20分钟看了一套sight words. 共60个单词。时间超时。

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