2. Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?

1. 生词与词组

until prep. 直到

until lunchtime 知道午饭时间为止

I go to school until Friday.

not ... until  直到...才

I'm not free until Friday.  我直到周五的时候才有空。

outside 外面

outside world

prep. 在...的外面

outside the downtown area

ring 电话响

The phone is ringing. 

I will ring you later.

n. 打电话,戒指

Give me a ring later   稍后请给我打个电话。

a wedding ring 求婚戒指

aunt 姑、姨、婶、舅

repeat v. 重复

Pardon ?

Would you please repeat it ?   你能重复一遍吗?

Would you please explain that word?  你能把那个词给解释一下吗?

2. 课文与语法

It was Sundays, I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.

过去的那周, 在周日我一般都在睡懒觉, 有时候我可以一直睡到中午。

1. It 用来指代星期几

表示时间: It's 10 o'clock in the morning.

表示天气: It's snowing now.

表示距离 : It's 2 kilometers to the store.

确定人的身份: It's Tim on the phone.

2. never  从来都不  -> 一般配合的一般现在时


usually / often / frequently





Helen rarely goes to the movies. 海伦不怎么去看电影。

3. on Sundays

on 表示某一天

Sundays 复数表示经常性的行为

4. I sometimes day ...  后一般也接 一般现在时

5. ... stay in bed ...   表示卧床、睡觉时 不加冠词

6. ... until lunchtime 知道午饭时间

until 在肯定句中和表示持续性状态的动词连用,表动作持续到某时

Wait until two o'clock  in the afternoon.


He didn't come home until midnight.   他知道午夜才回的。

Last Sunday I got up very late . I looked out of  the window. It was dark outside. ’What a day !‘  I thought . 'It's raining again.' Just then , then telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy .' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming see you .'

上周我又起晚了,当时我望了望窗外,外面灰暗一片 ,“鬼天气”  我想又下雨了。正在这时,我的手机响了, 是我姑姑露丝打来的,她说他刚下火车,很快就来看我。

1. next Saturday 

look out  of  朝 ... 外看

look out 小心,注意

Look out when you go across the street.

2. I was dark ...

It gets dark early in winter.

3. What a day!

What + a/ an + adj. + n. + 主语 + 谓语 + !

What a terrible day it is !    一般可以使用  What a terrible day !

What a wonderful garden !

What a surprise !

What a lot of trouble he is causing !

What wonderful actors !

He is a hardworking young man .

4. ... the telephone rang.  电话铃声响了。

5. It was my ...

It's me .

It's the postman.

6. I've just arrived by train .

by bus

by bike

by air 

by car

7. I'm coming to see ...

come,go , arrive,leave  


8. Having breakfast

have lunch 

have dinner

9. Dear me !

My goodness!

Oh, my god!

'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.


'What are you doing ?' She asked.

'I'm having breakfast.' I repeated.

'Dear me .' she said . 'Do you always get up so late' It's one o'clock.

天啊,你总是起的这么晚吗? 现在都1点了。

on Sundays , 指每个星期日,星期几的前面用介词on

What a day? 多么糟糕的天气啊,这是一个省略的感叹词。 完整的句子是 What a day it is!

I'm come to see you. 表示近期按计划或者要安排的事。

Dear me ! 天啊, 这是个感叹句。

3. 知识拓展

What a day! 


Gosh!  天呐!

Thank goodness! 谢天谢地

How time files!

How sweet of you !

What a nice present!

What a meal ! 

倒装: Not until ... 直到 ... 才

Not until .... 谓语助动词 + 主语  + 谓语;

Not until she finished her lunch did Jane send the email.



It is / was not until + 时间从句或者短语 + that + 主句部分

It was not until she finished her lunch that Jane sent the email.

你可能感兴趣的:(2. Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?)