







1, 跟老板、客户等上游沟通汇报等

2, 跟销售、质保、售后等下游沟通工作

3, 项目内部沟通、调整

4, 培训学新东西、研究些新东西

5, 杂七杂八

6, 自己干活

这里面每个分类所花的时间,根据项目有所不同。我做的项目一般来说时间分配是这样的:1) 15%,2) 15%,3) 10%,4) 15%,5)15%。这些加在一起大约花掉 70% 的时间,剩下 30% 所有自己干活。










排计划就是把要做的事情拆小,然后一个一个计划。这个有一个专门的名词,叫做工作分解。英语叫 Work Breakdown Structure,或者取首字母,叫WBS。最简单的方法是,所有事情分三步:学习、实践、检验。在工作中换个稍微高大上一点的说法:调研、开发、质保。然后往上放人放时间。



比如你想去欧洲旅游。第一件事是想去哪些国家,每个国家呆多久?英国呆两天,德国呆三天;还是区法国呆五天;又或者其他什么的。然后每个国家玩什么,购物、好吃的还是看景色?最后开始计划每天去什么地方做什么, 花多少钱。之后才能各自去公司请假,学校请假,也就自然都能计划出来了。



A few Thoughts on Project Management

I have been working on the planning of my next project. My boss wants more deliverable than we can deliver. We were trying to communicate and hopefully to persuade the bosses.

I believe every business person has experienced the same. The bosses want more; but we have to deliver with quality. Because the time to work is limited on each day. There is a limit on how much we can do. But I trust there is no boss in the world would buy in if you just say you cannot deliver. You have to communicate effectively.

Let me share what I think and you can pick up the thoughts that you find valuable. In addition, this account aims at English education, I will create an English version for comparison.

Mindset and Time Distribution

First of all, please keep in mind that this is a process of communication. Try not to involve too much of your emotions. You may think that you are already working very hard, why do they still want more? But let us put on their hat, your bosses also have bosses. They come to you only because they were demanded for answers. Worse than you do.

Mindset (source: Internet)

Also, the work is not done when you completed it. You have to communicate it. If your boss does not understand you, it is probably because you did not communicate effectively enough. According to my experience, there are a few thing very important than you head down on your own work.

1,  Communicate with the upstream stakeholders such as your boss and your customers

2, Work with the downstream stakeholders like sales, quality assurance, support etc.

3, Team communication and coordination

4, Learning new things, research for new things

5, Miscellaneous

6, Head down on your own work

The time distribution among the items is different depending on different projects. From my experience, the distribution looks like this: 1) 15%,2) 15%,3) 10%,4) 15%,5)15%。In total, these consume about 70% of your time. The remaining 30% is which you can keep your head down.

Time distribution

If this is not how you are spending your time, then I suggest you to analyze for reasons. Different projects require different time spending, so it does not have to look exactly like this. But you need to know why, know where you are spending your time, and for what. If you are not doing any of above, just because you did not realize, then maybe a little bit of adjustment would be better.

Scoping and Planning

There are three major topics to discuss with your boss during planning phase: Scope, Plan (timeline), Resources (mainly budget or personnel). Budget is often relatively fixed, and not much room for adjustment. So we will not focus on this.

Scoping and Planning are both very important, but two different things. Many people do not realize their differences. Scoping is namely what to do, and the plan is how to do it (on what timeline). Given the delivery time if often fixed, and the quality is always to be assured, then pretty much the scoping and planning are the only factor that you can make a difference.

Pressure from your boss is probably they ask to you do a bigger scope. Here is the trick, you may think that you should do what your boss tells you to. Sometime this okay, but sometime not. Because often time, your boss does not have a good plan, or only have a rough plan. In other words, your boss may not be aware what he/she is asking for. The bosses are busy, this is just too much.

Pressure (source: Internet)

Or, we can look at this the other way around, if you do whatever your boss tells you to, then you are a little bit junior. If you can save some effort for your boss, then you are considered more senior. And over time, this becomes trust. How? Simple, make a plan and communicate.

How to Make a Plan

Making a plan is basically break things down and plan accordingly. There is a specific word for this: Work Breakdown Structure, or WBS for short. The simplest way is to divide everything into 3 steps: Learn, Do, Verify. Or a little bit fancier wording in professional work: Research, Development, Quality Assurance.

The biggest benefit with breaking things down is easier to think about it. You can then start asking around from more experienced people and also easier to communicate. You can go through every item one by one with your boss, and persuade. Once everything is done, the whole thing is done. Otherwise, a word of impossible, you cannot sell it.

A plan (source: Internet)

For example, when you want to go for a trip in Europe. First thing you think is what countries do you go? How long do you stay at each of the countries? For example, 2 days in the UK, and 3 days in Germany; or maybe 5 days in France; or maybe something else. Then what to do at each of the countries, shopping, foods or sightseeing? The last thing is what to do each day, how much to spend. Then you will be able to ask for vacation from your employers, schools and now you have a plan.

Alright. Let us call it a day for the planning. There are a lot more about project management, and we may come back to this topic time to time. Welcome for any discussions!
